A Snowmobile Video Circa 1968


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I found this on another website and thought I'd share this with the John Dee family. It runs a little long but the content is safe for the workplace.

It's got it all... Snowmobiles, Girls Dancing, Crashes, Racing, more Girls Dancing and Snowmobile Races!

As best I can guess, it looks like 68 or 69 by some of the sleds that are featured. I think I recognize a 68 Nordic but can't be sure.

If you're over 50 you'll remember these times, If you're over 40, this is what Mom & Dad were doing when you were home with the sitter. If you're in your 20's, this is what Grammy and Gramps were doing on the weekends back in the 60's.

The video runs 11:27 in length and really gets rolling about a minute in. I hope you enjoy it!



Well-known member
good stuff when I was a kid went to tons of oval track stuff all most every other weekend we would be at some kind of club oval on a lake out in fr of some bar. cheep throphies all sleds racing some kind of a cook out then trail ride.dont know why more clubs dont have oval racing just for kicks any more? prob a leagal thing lots of douch bags looking to sue now days or the fact that a new sled runs 10g or better and kinda sucks to smack one up just for a pass I guess.


Well-known member
The guy on a Ski Doo in the first race (he has #1 on his back) has an unfair advantage over the other racers because he is a stand up rider. I wonder why half of the spectators in the first race behind the snow fence have helmets on? The suits most of the Ski Doo racers are wearing are an ugly shade of yellow, and I normally like yellow. Great video though!


Well-known member
Cool old video! Whoda knew stand-up riding went back that far.

my buds still give me crap and say my riding style old school always ride 1 knee on the seat any time not on flat trail.old habits die hard


Active member
Love that they put the old leg out for balance during the race. Snap it right off now days.
I didn't see the back pacs with the garden tools sticking out on those stand up riders.
I always knew I'd be in the IN crowd someday! Cool vid.


Well-known member
Too Funny!

The nightclub crowd in the film looked a lot less scruffy that the group I hung around with after a day of riding (and probably smelled a whole lot better too).