

New member
Can someone please elaborate on some of the abbreviations/acronyms used on your discusion board? I often looks at the sleds, in your classifieds, and see bump/ttt/etc. Not sure what this means. Just curious.


Active member
However, please note that any new note added to a thread will cause that thread to move to the "top" of the list of changed threads; the actual text included in the note is functionally irrelevant.


Active member
<font color="0000ff">m8man:
"maybe we could replace ttt with 'functionally relevant text.'"</font>

It sounds like you're suggesting the use of a unique functionally relevant formatting tag such as:
\top{your choice of text}
Which will bring the thread to the top and present the designated text as the message?

(Formatting tags are functionally relevant, since the forum software recognizes them as commands, not text, and acts on them.)

Clearly unnecessary, as the posting of any text in a new message will do exactly that.


Well-known member
"Functionally Relevent Text", Hmmmm, or the acronym Fart (frt). Sorry, couldn't resist.-Mezz


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Active member
Is there still a question here?

To restate what I said before:

Any new message added to a thread will cause that threat to move "to the top", regardless of what text appears in that message.

That may be a trivially short message, consisting of a single letter or maybe even just a "." (period).

Beyond that, you might think it useful to provide some explanation to the reader as to what the bare minimum "new message" is all about, which is what some folks try to do by posting a message composed solely of the three letters "TTT".

Of course, we frequently get questions such as the one that began this thread, so apparently a message containing only the three letters "TTT" doesn't necessarily convey much more information than a message containing only a "." (period).

Bottom line: Such a message serves to indicate that the author posted the message solely to kick the thread "to the top", typically as a reminder that some element of a previous post remains unresolved. The reader may want to review the entire thread.


Well-known member
Wow frnash, you are up late. Nice reply. I do not even have the brain running at that time of day. You may want to also let andyverbeck know that "ttt" does not actually work in every topic forum.


Oh Nashy Nashy...Spell check missed it, but I caught you...

Any new message added to a thread will cause that threat to move "to the top"

Anyone else and I wouldn't have batted an eye.


New member
Nash oh wise one - Thank god you didn't use any big words or everyone out here on this thread would have been lost! "to the top"


Active member
<font color="0000ff">favoritos:
"Wow frnash, you are up late. Nice reply."</font>
1. Not so late really, Arizona doesn't do Daylight Saving Time (all we need is another hour of blazing sunlight in the late afternoon/evening!), so we're on MST year 'round, 3 hours earlier than the EDT time stamp on my post.
2. Thank you!<hr width=75% size=2><font color="0000ff">canoepaddler:
"… that threat …"</font>
And I wasn't even feeling threatened!

Mebby I was up later than I shoulda been, eh?
