I get what T-struck and mrsjac are saying...but there's nothing like all the good stuff to watch anymore. There are actually very few shows I feel like I can watch with my kids without having to explain things I fer sure don't wanna explain. My kids listen to a lot of the "old school" stuff and stuff from today as well. There's no pop music, fer sure no "kidz bop" type music. Rockers used to be subtle back in the day. Now? These artists will just come out and say exactly the body parts and the actions with the body parts!?!?
We've been listening more than watching this season so I don't know anyone's names. Some amazing voices tho. I like the country kid. I like the kid that got saved. And the blond country girl.
And agree that I really like Steven Tyler as judge. His passion for music is what's it's all about for him. And J Lo has been, for me, so surprisingly sweet and non diva-ish. Randy, yo dog, is all good for me as always.