Another tragic fatality this morning near Tomahawk WI


New member
Here is a link to the story:

People please ride responsibly, think twice before drinking while on the trails alcohol and speed kill. Respect the power of today's machines and know that there are many other people on the trails with varying degrees of riding experience and ability.

May God bless this young man and comfort his family.


New member
This is so so sad. A horrible loss, and horrible time of year. One thing I want to stress to everyone that reads this thread is please please always have an idea of where you are while you are out riding. Took ambulances, first responders, fire departments, and deputys nearly two hours to locate this crash...and it was on a road. Please be safe and drive smart out there people. May God be with his family and fiance.


New member
I am so sorry about this happening my prayers and thoughts are with this family . The sad part of this is that the season is so young and yet I think if my memory serves me right this is about the 4th or the 5th death that was caused by speed and drinking. If we want to keep snowmobiling we had better start and do it right or someone in the govevrnment will try and shut it down cause of us being unresponssible adults . Also if you have your sled insurred the insurrance agents may have to rasie the rates you pay just to ride your snowmobile . THINK BEFORE you ride and have a SAFE and SNOWY 2010


Why dosnt the GubMint just shut the WHOLE counrty down, save us all from ourselves. Thanks al gore ,Thanks O-bamme. I dont know about the rest of you people... BUT I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I DO NOT NEED TO BE BABYSAT BY THE GUB MINT. I accept FULL responsilbilty for MY actions. I surrender the soapbox to the next INTELLIGENT -PROUD AMERICAN.


New member
How about a proud canadian takes the soapbox? haha

It's always awful to see another story of a sledder that's passed away.
People need to wake up and realize that when your riding a machine that'll do 120+, you can't mix alcohol with it
i'm 17, so i can't drink, and i think sledding is a hoot! why do you need to add alcohol to it?
not bashing anyone who goes bar hopping on sleds, just please do it safely for the sake of us younger riders...

on a side note...back home in Ontario we have a "Ride" program, and the provincial police are out with breathalizers on the trails, and stop everyone that goes by and gives them a test
it works pretty well there lol


How about a proud canadian takes the soapbox? haha

It's always awful to see another story of a sledder that's passed away.
People need to wake up and realize that when your riding a machine that'll do 120+, you can't mix alcohol with it
i'm 17, so i can't drink, and i think sledding is a hoot! why do you need to add alcohol to it?
not bashing anyone who goes bar hopping on sleds, just please do it safely for the sake of us younger riders...

on a side note...back home in Ontario we have a "Ride" program, and the provincial police are out with breathalizers on the trails, and stop everyone that goes by and gives them a test
it works pretty well there lol
Here in America we're safe from invasion of privacy; illegal search and seizure, etc...

Oh wait......