any experience with trim tabs


Well-known member
Last year in Spring we had some huge surf off Flagler beach as a hurricane cut north way out to sea. I just caught a nice wave & was checking my body parts on the beach when a bunch of life guards come running at me. I'm thinking what the heck then they run past me maybe 20 feet & this guy was laying there with a broken leg. I never heard the guy yelling for help surf was so loud. Took a look & his leg all twisted up & he was a lot younger than me figured I better hang it up for the day. I would luv to try snorkeling for mini lobster. I have netted a few Maine lobster in my younger days living off the fat of the land. Maine lobster sure are slow on land but in the water they are lighting quick. How fast are mini lobster?


New member
44 minutes, got the lights ready. My buddys are on the way. We launch in less than 15 minutes, they are fast, but we poke in holes, and grab them on the way out, LOL Its not that easy, but thats the plan. The right gear helps. by noon we schould have our limit, add beer and butter, life will be good. Only 3 of us going. 1 free diver, we use tanks, and huka hoses with the tanks on the boat. 12 each for the limit Per day, the mayhem at the ramp right now is like the first snow. Its not like I am busy, well now I am. My buds just showed up, gotta get wet. 2 days 3x12 x 2 days= 72 if we get our limits. So how many ways can you cook lobster? Got some monsters last year. Its like snow, can you have to much? Not on your first ride. I am so pumped to go, I have 36 batts for my lights, 6 per light. They last pretty long, got the food packed, water ect.


New member
Its lobster for dinner!! got lucky, 6 were just walking in front of us on our first dive, got a couple more the hard way. Whitedust, the lobsters are not mini, just a 2 day season called mini, b4 the whole season. They are spiney lobsters, no claws. It was crazy at the launch, the bays and shores looked like a freeway backed up. I do not think I will go again, its like new years eve, your best to stay home. I will wait for reg. season. But we got 13, I think my buddy got some pics on his cell phone, but he is as computor handicapped as I am. LOL All in all it was fun. Watched one boat load 4 cases of beer, for a 5 hour cruise. Throttles and bottles do not mix. We had a great time. And are cooking as I type. Well my wife is cooking, not I. Does that count? Time to eat, steak and some very $ lobster. We leave at 4am this thursday morn. should be back b4 2pm.
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Well-known member
Yep sort of like opening day fishing season here in northern WI. Fishermen everywhere then goes back to normal on Monday. 13 lobsters not shabby & excellent meal. Nothing like living off the fat of the land or sea.


New member
They are not mini lobsters, its mini season, 2 days. The lobsters are of certain size. They are large and larger. By law you have to have a measuring stick. I will try to post some pics, they where tasty.


New member
Wilson, these are spiney lobsters, its the mini season. They are huge, and need too be measured before keeping, state law requires you to have a measuring device with you. We only got stopped 2x, 1x out and at the ramp on the way home. Yeh its like fishing opener in MN. They are very tasty.


New member
No Wilson, its mini season, the lobtsers are spiney lobsters, and can get very large, if your lucky, you need to carry a measuring device on you by law to make sure they are large enough to keep. But its easy to tell, they look huge, then they are huge.


New member
Went to West Marine and got the smart tabs, installing today. will update on performance. Talked to my prop guy, he had some good ideas. Got some more lobsters thursday am, what a cluster xxxxx. I will wait for the reg. season in aug. We have,the coast guard, Broward county sherriff, and the DNR, plus state patrols. They where every where. And handing out tickets like throwing candy in a parade. Throttels and Bottles do not mix. Talked with a friend in MN, He said he had a 300.00 dollor wayleye, and a 700.00 dollor deer, so I think did ok. Its not about the cash, its all about the hunt, we had a great time, but am so worn out from swimming and diving all I can do is add more butter. LOL


Well-known member
Yep like riding my PWC on the Fox River in We got stopped so many times by the river cops in an hour we just put them back on the trailer & drove back to WI. Not fun being shook down every 10 minutes. Yeah we were fast but we didn't break any laws.