Any hope for the rest of March


New member
This is my first ask John post so if it doesnt fit the criteria I apologize. Just wondering if in your opinion is there a chance we will see any significant snow fall yet in March so I can fit it one more ride? Just wondering if I should hold out hope or if I should start thinking of getting the bike out of the garage!


Well-known member
"Please do not ask..."

Not trying to be snide, but look at the box above. "Please do not ask specific forecast questions". I realize many may think this is a "general question", but it is specific to a forecast. IMO, with the way this season has gone thus far, it wouldn't suprise me too much if it did nothing more.-Mezz


Well-known member
This is my first ask John post so if it doesnt fit the criteria I apologize. Just wondering if in your opinion is there a chance we will see any significant snow fall yet in March so I can fit it one more ride? Just wondering if I should hold out hope or if I should start thinking of getting the bike out of the garage!

i see you live in redgranite, time to get the bike out! lol trails are a lot better down by you though then they are up by me, everybody goes north from my area and nobody goes south, glad nobody has followed me down there!
Curious, Mezz, why you (and others often) feel the need to defend the Admin on the "Ask John" forum. I'm sure he's a big enough boy.


Well-known member

Sledheadbrp, First, there is no need to defend here. If you will please, note the rules. Secondly, those of us whom have been here a while whom happen to catch the occasional miscue, will chime in as a friendly reminder. It is just a polite reminder to those that are new or to those that do not frequent the sight, nothing more than that. BTW, Yes, John is a big boy & does answer for himself, however, this is one topic he will not respond to, as such, the courtesy response.-Mezz
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Well-known member
My bet is if you go to Da UP you'll have fun all of march!
I have riddin in Twin lakes the last 3 April's and had a blast!
acouple years ago I think I was riding in 80 inches of fresh pow on April 13th!
But get the bike out too! It was like summer here in the Twin cities that year and I came home and rode the Hog on the same day I rode the sled in Twin Lakes!

Scottiking OUT


Well-known member
Stop with the....

March in like a Lamb-- Out Like A LION

Stop with the negitive vibs-- lots of play time left

OK, I can't resist this one and am pulling a Nash here, :D "Stop with the negitive vibs--"

neg-a-tive: 1. expressing denial or refusal; saying "no". 2. opposite to or lacking in that which is positive, 3. In mathematics, designating a quantity less than zero, or one to be subtracted.

vibes: slang. vibration

No Negative Vibes, just speaking of the trend of our winter. It has not been the norm & we have not seen meaningful snows for some time :( Current riding conditions have been late March early April like for the past several weeks. Yes, there is alway's hope, but, realistically, the pattern has been a crap shoot. Let's hope when March does exit, it does so like a Lion, a BIG ANGRY LION with a lot of dandruff! :eek:


Check out

This is my first ask John post so if it doesnt fit the criteria I apologize. Just wondering if in your opinion is there a chance we will see any significant snow fall yet in March so I can fit it one more ride? Just wondering if I should hold out hope or if I should start thinking of getting the bike out of the garage!
I would check out Johns 5-10 day forcast text


New member
I did not realize my question was going to spark such an interesting conversation. As I stated, if my question did not fit I apologize. It is a little contradicting to keep a question to a meteorological nature but not involve a forecast. I was not asking for a forecast, I was simply asking for an opinion which I thought was OK and now I know it is not -no big deal. On a lighter note, I have not put the sleds away yet still hoping for that big dump of snow even if it wont stick around long. As with most sledders I am always looking for just one more time to ride. If I don't get out again I have no regrets as my family and I had a great season. We were able to ride from home early in the season and then took trips to Land O' Lakes, went to Cable for the first time and spent five days in the U.P. so if its over I can live with that. I have seen folks out on their bikes already, I have only had mine started as it will not be leaving the garage until we get a good rain to take the salt off the road. Just too much HD chrome to polish ,cant let the salt eat away at it. Thanks for the comments and hope you have fun regardless of what toy you may be riding!


New member
I personally saw nothing wrong with the question,but man they sure seem to have made a big deal about it........I think the OP was looking for a general opinion not one he would hold John to.
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Staff member
I guess I should just remove the "specific" part from the rules as it does seem to cause some confusion. Basically what I mean is that I cannot answer ANY forecast question posted on this board. With over 11,000 users I could end up with a real mess on my hands. So I just made the rule to not ask any forecast questions.

Mezz was just trying to help me out by explaining the rules to the initial poster. Sure hope no one has a problem with someone else trying to help me out. If they do, I have a sure fix remedy for that!:D

My sincere apology for my tone. Was kinda "Doo-Talkish" (yes, I am a member).
Won't happen again.
Have been a member of John Dee for a number of years now (just don't post to often) and really love the site.
It has bugged me when other people tried to answer "Ask John" questions. I figured if it were an inappropriate question, John would just ignore it. IMHO, I didn't feel this question was out of line (especially cause he asked so nicely). But see I was wrong.
I vented and I should not have. Sorry.