Any other geocachers here?


Well-known member
Just wanted to say thanks again, I took my boys and wife out after dinner, and they loved it. Well the boys did and my wife came along. She even found the cach before the boys.

I took them to the one I found on my way home from work today and said its somewhere in this area, now we need to look on our own and find a container. It only took about 10min to find and the cach was some little toys. Like you would get out of one of the machines at a grocery store. Of course the boys wanted to take their "Treasure". So I made sure to leave some of their Green Army guys, which they thought was cool to do. First words out of the mouth when I said it was time to go was "Can we look for another one now" So going on the hint of the light post I went back out by work. (only about a 5 min drive, I know I'm lucky) But after letting them look for a bit my 7yrold said what about the light post, that covers kind up over there. So we went and checked it out, but nothing! I think they would have stayed all night and look if they could have. But I'm thinking someone may have taken it.

What are some examples of the ? caches om the map? One is shown at the intersection of 109th and Broadway(SR53) (see map link from above) But the State is rebuilding Broadway to 4 lanes and have already strip most of the topsoil in the right of way around the intersection. Just wondering what I might be looking for? If it could even still be there.


Well-known member
I guess you have not seen the "nanos" then, it is the size of the tip of your pinky. I have a nearby nano that is tucked in a small spot on a cobra helicopter which was fun to find. Put one of those on a bridge and it is a lot of "fun".

I have seen pine cones, fake numbers on objects (magnetic), bird houses, fake birds, tree branches cut in half the cache put inside and the branch put back together, cattails (which is hard in a sea of other cattails), the imagination is limitless. In the beginning it is hard for everyone until you get a feel for hides and experience. Then when you think you have it figured out a new style pops up

Guess I was typing when you were posting that is amazing!


? on the map are unknown's either puzzles or maybe a night cache. I'd lean towards puzzles without looking at the map, they put them into the middle of the street or intersection to hide the location as you will need to solve the puzzle.
Bummer on the not finding the one by work, keep an eye on the site and see if someone finds it soon again. Great to hear the kids liked it, be on the watch for trackables, some will have dogtags and others will be coins, they are meant to be moved from cache to cache and not kept.

My wife goes out with me when she can, she's more determined to find the cache than I am and I'll be done looking and she'll still be at it. She even does some of the more challenging ones with me and she's ticked at me I did one last Saturday that she wanted to do with me so I'm going to send her with another cachers wife who wants to do it and him and I are going to go find a nice cool bar to relax at. Laughing!!


Active member
But after letting them look for a bit my 7yrold said what about the light post, that covers kind up over there. So we went and checked it out, but nothing! I think they would have stayed all night and look if they could have. But I'm thinking someone may have taken it.

Is the skirt metallic? Did you look up and aroundthe inside of the actual skirt? Most times it is just sitting on the lampbolt flange but it could be magnetic and stuck up in the skirt. Caching teaches you to look very closely. I had one multi the other day which was a lamp skirt micro which had coords for a second lamp skirt which turned out to be a red herring (fake) as the 2nd skirt just had micro and what I could say is a "it isnot here note". So back to the original stage#1, I look around some more and for some reason I decide to relook under the skirt and sure enough a laminated sheet of paper it attached to he underside of the skirt right about the fake micro I found earlier with the "real" coords to the final stage. I'll try to get some help for you on this cache as I know 2 guys that found it but they may not remember since they find a lot

Have Fun!!! I'm going tunnelin tonite with a crew,

just got this from the last finder:
"I tried bringing up an aerial of this spot, but the aerial only shows farm fields. I do remember I found some odd hides on LPC in Lake County. There was one that was a nano about 7 foot high. There was another that was a flat paper magnetic stuck underneath the metal frame. I'm not sure if Onion Street hide was one of these odd ones or not. There was another in that area that was magnetic hide on a recycling bid. I hope this helps some."

Now that he mentioned underneath the metal frame which would be the same as saying under the bolt flange between the lamp base and the concrete pad. It is sometimes not obvious. Good luck!!!
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Active member
What are some examples of the ? caches om the map? One is shown at the intersection of 109th and Broadway(SR53) (see map link from above) But the State is rebuilding Broadway to 4 lanes and have already strip most of the topsoil in the right of way around the intersection. Just wondering what I might be looking for? If it could even still be there.

Just decided to check this out as puzzles are fun (sometimes) and I have met the owner and know the last finder. I initially went down the wrong path to the answer and I can give you a hint that anniversary is NOT the way to solve this one. I can supply more clues if you need, I have not solved for the coords yet but I have the key to get to the answer.

Yea, I'm drawn (addicted) to this subject....


Was out camping this weekend with no internet access or cell coverage and just getting back to this one. So how did the Tunnel search go? And any word on the one by the lamp post?
We did a couple today that involved a bit of hiking.


Active member
Was out camping this weekend with no internet access or cell coverage and just getting back to this one. So how did the Tunnel search go? And any word on the one by the lamp post?
We did a couple today that involved a bit of hiking.

We ended up getting a later start on the tunnel at appox 10pm but in the tunnel there is no light anyway. We had a pretty large group and a pretty good plan and we found the cache w/o issue. Only some parts didwe have to crouch down the rest was an easy upright walk. Altho when we all turned out lights off in order to see the glowlights we were dropping was a pretty eerie sight, but a lot of fun. I'm not sure it would be a 5/5 but I met one of the FTF'rs and he told us what he went thru and they definitely earned a 5/5 smiley


Well-known member
Was out camping this weekend with no internet access or cell coverage and just getting back to this one. So how did the Tunnel search go? And any word on the one by the lamp post?
We did a couple today that involved a bit of hiking.

No luck on mine. I may have to wait and see if anyone else finds it or it my just be gone.