Anyone continually put sta-bil in their sled during the winter?


Well-known member
Mechanic at a dealer recommended it so i went out and bought some.. Is there going to be any problems running with it? I'm kind of picky about gas.


Well-known member
If you want to lean that thing down some more, and risk a burn down, pour something other than gas in it.



New member
Use Seafoam for storage, Start the sled everyday year round and run for 2 minutes and you wont have any fuel issues LOL!


New member
Like ubee said ! Especially with all the miles you do. There is a couple of other products out there for storage also. Marine Stabil and Star Tron.


New member
Sea Foam seems to be a good product. If you have a Farm and Fleet around They have it. I use it everyonce in a while, Some of my buddies put it in everytank.


New member
Staybil has a new product out that is designed to be used with ethenal fuel.Marine stabil (blue color)should be added to every tank,in small amounts to counter act the affects of ethenal fuel.Star tron has a similar product.Ethenal is a solvent fuel and the problem is it will eat and melt the fuel lines and other rubber/vinyl items in the fuel system.Seafoam is a great poduct but I don't think it was designed for ethenal fuel.


New member
"Muss" on the board here uses Sea Foam religously, I clean his carbs at the beginning of the season and they are spotless, he put 5000 miles on that sled using sea foam before he sold it. Never had any isues! Sea Foam's the best. Made a believer out of me.