Anyone in Munising wetmore Christmas this week?


I was going to head there Friday but didn't hear much good from the area. Decided to head to houghton in hopes of more snow


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Winding up our week here. The last two days we trailered to the plains and launched from there. First - tip of the hat to the groomers doing what they can, but..Monday did 7&2&41 loop. Earlier this week we went to Big Springs, Gwinn, Marquette. We did that since it remained cold and west had a little snow. I think many of those trails now are stressed. Since 8 north of Tanglwood to Bear Trap was stressed we trailered to the Kingston Plains. The “8s” have snow but we missed the groomers and taking the north trails to Pine Stump were a rough ride. 9 was a blessing and smooth. We came back 9, 431, 440, 43, with only 43 being rough since Seney had groomers down. So we decided to run the opposite yesterday and head to the Falls. 43 still rough and a groomer down, 440 ok, 431 not too bad, and 9 ok to MCMillian. Stopped for fuel there and heard towards Newberry in the swamp was stressed so we decided to head to Seney. In just that short time you could feel the trails soften up and bare spots beginning to form on edges. Sled traffic picked up considerably. When we loaded up at the plains we are calling it done for the week. Generally we get 900 to 1k miles in five days but our body’s could only absorb 550 in four days.