Anyone see this video of a scary/stupid accident? Saw it on facebook today


This has nothing to do with signs. This has everything to do with NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS.

x2. And as others have said always expect that the person is going to pull out in front of you. We all need to SHARE the trail and have some common courtesy. Come on people!



New member
He should've had a longer track for that deep 3" powder that he was doing the carving on. The cool jacket may have caused some problems as well. He should've been wearing a green team artic jacket instead. The brand of sled doesn't help either :)

They're both at fault 100%. Ricky should've slowed to almost a complete stop when he saw that long track sled in 3" of powder sideways on that trail. Of course he probably had a long track too!
makes me not want a all white sled, blends into background maybe if sled stood out more red or black the accident would have been avoided?
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New member
From what those involved have posted on various boards the story is as such. All the riders involved were riding together. They are not on a trail but are actually off trail riding in an open area, meadow/field/etc. Black sled was doing a high speed run and white sled was being taught how to carve by his buddies.

In my opinion all the riders are at fault to some extent for various reasons. Thankfully all involved were ok and hopefully something was learned by all of them.


come on guys, no need to insult them. It's bad enough they screwed up, wrecked their sleds and nearly died. I think they learned something,,,I hope. When I watch that it makes no sense to me. I wonder if the guy sitting in the middle was a tree if the same thing would have happened? It really is confusing as to why it happened. I see the guy going fast as the main problem. He had clear view and plenty of room. Could have slowed, veered, whatever, he never even thought about avoiding the stationary sled.


New member
come on guys, no need to insult them. It's bad enough they screwed up, wrecked their sleds and nearly died. I think they learned something,,,I hope. When I watch that it makes no sense to me. I wonder if the guy sitting in the middle was a tree if the same thing would have happened? It really is confusing as to why it happened. I see the guy going fast as the main problem. He had clear view and plenty of room. Could have slowed, veered, whatever, he never even thought about avoiding the stationary sled.

WTH. Its like he still had his blindfold on.


Staff member
Not making an excuse for the guy, but perhaps the one running at a high rate of speed was doing some testing of engine or clutch work and was paying close attention to his RPM's. I know every time I need to watch the tach for RPM's I hate it! I make about 3 passes on the strip of lake or field I am going to run on to make sure there are no surprises and even then I hate looking at the tach to see what the RPM's are!

Anyway, just a thought as to why he did not see the "carver in training".

Amazing they were both OK!



New member
I agree with the guy who question's the White sleds they blend in too well. But in the end they were both at fault. DUMB