I have one. Has 3000 miles on it, great comfortable sled. My friends call it the sofa. I can ride it all day, all week, and be comfortable.
The electrical issue that was common on these sleds was the wiring harness rubbing on the frame causing shorts and engine codes. Dealer fixed mine under warranty, but many (most?) of these had that issue. Otherwise, it tended to drive like a snowplow so I installed Bergstrom triple points and shims, tuned the front end a bit and it's good.
The sled is heavy, it is not a sport sled, but da*n it's comfortable. It is not a crotch rocket, but it's warm and powerful. Cruiser!
Added a windshield bag and a nosecone bag under the hood, plenty of storage for overnights. Also added a separate cord for the heated shield so I didn't have to use the 12v plug in all the time.
Uses a lot less gas than older 2 strokes, but about the same as my 2010 Rush 600, but at $.50 per gallon less.
Net is, I love the sled because it is exactly what I wanted...big, comfortable, and fun.