Are you Ready?


Well-known member
One Third Ready. Only one of three is snow-worthy right now.

Was making good progress on one of the others.....until tonight. The price of stupidity can be high.


Active member
If it works on a those 2 Poo's it should work on a Fusion. They all take the same belts. 080 122 115 can be used on any of the newer Poo's.


New member
Sleds were ready to go in June, spent the summer just staring at them. Did install studs on the one I bought used in the spring just last weekend after buying them at the Novi Snow Show. Put on the new trail tags.Took them to the cabin last weekend and dropped them off and brought home the quads.

My throttle thumb is twitching waiting for snow.



New member
Wait for it........................ Where is the guy who can get the 3211115 belt that retails for $178.49 at your Local Polaris dealer for 50 bucks?


Well-known member
If it works on a those 2 Poo's it should work on a Fusion. They all take the same belts. 080 122 115 can be used on any of the newer Poo's.

Good to know. Thanks. If you do a google search, there are several threads of people having better luck running the cat 048 belts on the Poos, even with the turbo-ed sleds. Considering you can buy one for $63 on ebay, that's great news.


New member
Almost there. Have to finish putting the rebuilt shocks in the skid, change the chaincase oil, put on a new belt, and I'm ready to go!

Cat Woman

New member
Hopefully mine will be done by the end of the weekend! We need to put the skid/suspension/track back on. But then we have a new track to put on the hubbys sled. He better hurry up, I may have to bang the ditches without him... d'oh! ;)


Active member
Good to know. Thanks. If you do a google search, there are several threads of people having better luck running the cat 048 belts on the Poos, even with the turbo-ed sleds. Considering you can buy one for $63 on ebay, that's great news.

I havent checked it out at all, just heard a few things here and there. Ive had no problems at all with any belts on my 08. But Ive always used the 115. But I will be checking this out alot further, and if everything checks out, I will try the cat belt. No need to waste $$$.

Of course cat probably has been watching these threads and might jack the price up to $150 to be competitive with Poo..........


Big weekend planned.... First get the trails in before the rain hits Saturday. Then put the finnishing touches on the Blair Morgan (a new track and buttoning up everything else after the off season rebuild). Hopefully ready to go by the end of the weekend.


New member
New snow blower, trailer insulated and FRP panel, shower finished with left over FRP panel, boat winterized and stored, Lake cabin winterized, oil change, hifax, chain case lube on sleds, and I believe all is ready.
Now need the main ingredient, SNOW.


Super Moderator
Staff member
So you guys buy the cheap belts. the 115's run around $150. Oh and as far as ready, I am waiting with bells on.

with bells on
1. (British humorous) if you describe something as a particular thing with bells on, you mean that it has similar qualities to that thing but they are more extreme This latest series is melodrama with bells on.
2. (American & Australian humorous) if you go somewhere or do something with bells on, you do it with a lot of interest and energy I'll be at the party with bells on.

And there it is, since you buy the 1115 belt, all other belts are "cheap'. BAHAHAHAHAHAH, classic. Why would you spend $150 on a belt, when you can get TWO for the same price, that are just as good?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Do you know if that belt will work on a 600 Fusion? The cat guy in our group NEVER goes through belts. Poos seem to eat up Poo belts, in our group at least. I've often wondered if it's a profit-plan for Poo.

Back to the thread, I'm no where near ready. Haven't seen my sled since I cleaned it up, greased it and put it away in May.

Yes it will fit as SRT20 said.. Deflection will need to be set in the secondary is all.

My sled is not ready yet, still have to put the rear skid shocks back in, re-install the suspension, and check the gears and chain in the chain case. Frogskinz went on last weekend.


Well-known member
That is a sweet looking ride!
Thanks. I am pleased with the overall outcome with the graphics.
Let's just hope it runs good. I added a little tree insurance just to keep it running. The airbox needed some extra protection.
