If it works on a those 2 Poo's it should work on a Fusion. They all take the same belts. 080 122 115 can be used on any of the newer Poo's.
Good to know. Thanks. If you do a google search, there are several threads of people having better luck running the cat 048 belts on the Poos, even with the turbo-ed sleds. Considering you can buy one for $63 on ebay, that's great news.
So you guys buy the cheap belts. the 115's run around $150. Oh and as far as ready, I am waiting with bells on.
with bells on
1. (British humorous) if you describe something as a particular thing with bells on, you mean that it has similar qualities to that thing but they are more extreme This latest series is melodrama with bells on.
2. (American & Australian humorous) if you go somewhere or do something with bells on, you do it with a lot of interest and energy I'll be at the party with bells on.
Do you know if that belt will work on a 600 Fusion? The cat guy in our group NEVER goes through belts. Poos seem to eat up Poo belts, in our group at least. I've often wondered if it's a profit-plan for Poo.
Back to the thread, I'm no where near ready. Haven't seen my sled since I cleaned it up, greased it and put it away in May.
Almost ready. Studs changed the handling quite a bit, so I still have a little tweaking left.
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