ATT buys T-Mobile


Active member
This will still have to be approved by the Government. I hate seeing the competition going away. ATT is a monster that has been broken up in the past. Here we go again.

TMobile is owned by some German company. They have been profitable for the last 2 years but no revenue growth.


for 39B.

IMO verizon will still end up being the #1 carrier as att and tmobile customers leave due to carp service. When will these giants realize they'd be better off throwing 39B at technology than more subscribers who can eventually leave?

Both are GSM carriers so their technology matches. AT&T instantly adds bandwith and capacity to support the increased demands of I-Phone, particularly in large metro areas where T-Mobile is strong. And, rather than just adding costs to building out an existing network, they get paying customers. Great merger if you are AT&T.

Lousy merger if you are a customer.

Look for Verizon to acquire Sprint, which is struggling. Both are CDMA networks (except for the old Nextel IDEN network Sprint owns). In addition to getting Sprint capacity and customers this would also allow Verizon to take out the carrier still offering unlimited data access, and both AT&T and Verizon can start metering data use.

Don't buy shares of network/tower infrastructure companies, and get ready to pay more for that smartphone access!