Attack of the bugs!!!!


New member
With the wealth of knowledge and the sharp minds on this site I thought we might share our summer secrets for combating the attack of the bugs. Last few days with the heat wave has spawned a whole new pool of insects. I use a fogger at the cabin and it seems to work well for a couple of hours and keeps the mosquitos down. I have been told there are products for horseflies and other pesky insects. I hate summer!!!


New member
my mom and dad use mouthwash instead of insect,i work in the ditchlines of southern wisconsin,i just deal with it.i could bath in repellant everyday but where would that get me.after a while the bites don't really botheryou very much.


New member
Too dry for skeeters....but the deer flies are the worst they have been in years. Those son-of-a-guns...can bite...though not as bad as horse flies...which thankfully have not been bad this year.

Now with all the heat, gett'n down to bare skin leaves a pretty darn good target for those buggers to get at yah....

Pulling bearing sets in the shade this week had me whack'n and wobbl'n and putt'n grease where it ought not go...just to keep the pests from sinking steak knives in there.

If anyone could invent a pheromone for these things you could sell a bunch of it and make a fortune around these parts.

If God created these buggers, he sure had a sense of humor about himself nobody every preaches much about.


Staff member

Here is what you can do for deer flies and horse flies. Get a (or several) dark blue plastic bucket(s) (they are most attracted to dark blue). Then you drill a whole in the bottom of them and suspend them from a string upside down so that they can swing freely in the breeze. Coat them with the same sticky stuff that covers fly strips. You can get that at a farmers supply store- a real one, not Tractor Supply.

They are attracted to dark moving objects about the size of a human or animals head (hence the bucket). They land on the bucket and never take off again. These are used in livestock fields in the south where deer and horse flies can literally draw so much blood from livestock that the animals become anemic.



New member

Here is what you can do for deer flies and horse flies. Get a (or several) dark blue plastic bucket(s) (they are most attracted to dark blue). Then you drill a whole in the bottom of them and suspend them from a string upside down so that they can swing freely in the breeze. Coat them with the same sticky stuff that covers fly strips. You can get that at a farmers supply store- a real one, not Tractor Supply.

They are attracted to dark moving objects about the size of a human or animals head (hence the bucket). They land on the bucket and never take off again. These are used in livestock fields in the south where deer and horse flies can literally draw so much blood from livestock that the animals become anemic.


Den when dah buckets are covered wid the flies...what do I do wit dah buckets wit holes in em??? (Holy bucket sale???)

Thanks, see if I kin find some of dat sticky stuff....dem buggers are nasty dis year.


Staff member
Well, I suppose you could just toss them out or if you want, I believe the sticky stuff will wash off with soap and water and then you can start all over.

You can hang the pail from anywhere you want. Tree branch, a stick, what ever. The important thing is that it will move a bit in the wind. I guess the buggers are attracted to movement.



Well-known member
Mosquitos do suck. Today, there were a buncha bugs inside a rusty old coffee can sitting outside at my grandpas. I poured gas in it and bye bye bugs :D can we just kill all of the mosquitos for good? i mean how much would it really affect?


New member
Come to Florida, they grow and breed 24/7 365 days a year. Then we have a bug called no seeoms. Your bit by something you can not see. I Would rather have a shot at killing the big mosquito than not seeing them. I am in the pest control bus, so am always busy. I sure miss the snow, but try to adapt to my new home. Salt water fishing is not like fresh water, if only I could figure it out, it took almost 50 years to figure out bass and walleye, so I hope to live long enough to figure out this salt thing. 2 seasons here, hot and hotter. So if I go on vacation, its to the snow belt.


New member
Come to Florida, they grow and breed 24/7 365 days a year. Then we have a bug called no seeoms. Your bit by something you can not see. I Would rather have a shot at killing the big mosquito than not seeing them. I am in the pest control bus, so am always busy. I sure miss the snow, but try to adapt to my new home. Salt water fishing is not like fresh water, if only I could figure it out, it took almost 50 years to figure out bass and walleye, so I hope to live long enough to figure out this salt thing. 2 seasons here, hot and hotter. So if I go on vacation, its to the snow belt.

If there ever was a place like ****, it is Florida. For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would want to go there. Really!

The northern part of florida away from the coast isn't fit for man nor beast for 4 months of the year. They have bugs the size of crockidillies....skeeters the size of the hybride forms in the U.P.....and humidity that will straighten an afro....

Aside from obituaries that are 6 pages long, and drug store commercials which are more like tele-commercials, I simply am at a loss to understand why anyone would want to live there.

And what's with all this water down there that in a can't even drink???

Just another practical joke God played on us....putting all that water out there and then leaving the bottom out of the salt shaker.


New member
Yah, LOL, Its a long story how I got here, almost brought my 800 polaris just to freak out the locals. Pulling off the beach would get some funny looks. But lots of money to be made here, the wife has trippled her income, we need to hire 2 more guys to kill all the bugs, but its not the UP. Yep Florida sucks, but I have to adapt. Its funny my diving, boating and fishing habits cost more than sledding. Going out sun am, 30.00 in air, 35.00 for bait, 120.00 in fuel and oil. All for a great day on the ocean. 8 miles out dragging Ballyhoos is alot of fun. The fish are bigger here, if you can hook them.