Attention Keweenaw Snowmobilers

D.B. Cooper

Active member
Please understand this, the bridge has not been lowered & locked as of yet, the lower deck is currently in the up position and will remain that way until the lift tests are done. Once the tests are complete, they will be able to put the mat down. With the ample amount of snow we have, that should not take long. Even if we didn't have enough snow to lay the mat down, you would still be able to cross on the lower deck, but not until it has been cleared by the DOT. indy, the area is NOT trying to deter snowmobilers, the area welcomes all winter activity especially snowmobilers to the area. Political bureaucracy delayed the trail repairs needed, nothing else. All that is being asked is that people do what is being asked of them, just like "stay on the trail". For now, "stay off of the bridge" while it is in the up position & actively used for vehicle & pedestrian traffic. In fact, there are signs posted on the sidewalks on each end of the bridge clearly stating no snowmobiles. One bad apple ruins the whole bunch.
On the bold, when do you expect the Frieda Lop to be open ?


Well-known member
Lower span is down to complete the lift testing. The lowerdeck is not to be used until MDOT clears the way. This will not be until later next week.

old abe

Well-known member
Can't get across the bridge for 1/4 of the season? Seriously? When has that ever been an issue? The Freda loop was knocked out because of the flooding & again, more political bureaucracy has held that up. The Chassell trail has been another political bureaucracy for years. If you want to hold that against the area and not come here, that is your prerogative. Just remember this, The tourism counsel is certainly not against snowmobilers & the snowmobile clubs bust their asses to do what they are able to. There is a lot of money spent here on the equipment & the trails to accommodate the sport to the best of their ability. Don't bash the area for trivial issues that are not in our control.
mezz, Kathe, I, and friends have been riding up in the UP for 40 some years. Over those years we have met, and made so many more good friends. We have witnessed many changes over those years. Some good, such as grooming equipment, club activity, more, better trails. More conveniences, amenities, gas, lodging and etc! And then sadly some bad. Such as the sometimes very crowded riding conditions due to low snow conditions else where. More so now than it was 40 years ago. It also seems as the last 20 years, the crazy, radical riding fool idiots, endangering themselves, and other riders, has gotten to be far worse. This as in the "I don't care, I spent my $$", crowd. o_O However, we still like to ride the UP, and will continue to do so. Times, and things do change, just as the weather.


Well-known member
Not sure how to fix the knucklehead problems. Maybe the penalties need to increase?
Not sure how to fix the knucklehead problems. Maybe the penalties need to increase?
I think the knuckleheads got worse as sled technology improved more power ,less ski lift stable ride. Early 2000s I demoed a Mxz super 800 with special suspension and dealer asked what I thought and I said crazy power and ride thru the bumps the sled could take it if I could hold on the sled was begging for more. Sleds up to then were limited in speed ,ski lift and handling now days limitless power and fantastic handling very much point and shoot sleds skill isn’t that important anymore so more idiots doing things that they shouldn’t.


Well-known member
Not sure how to fix the knucklehead problems. Maybe the penalties need to increase?
Problem is there is no one to enforce the penalties. And as Whitedust has stated the manufacturers just keep making the sleds better and more expensive so the knuckleheads feel they need to get there monies worth out of there sled.


Well-known member
These issues are everywhere, now that I live here full time rarely do I ride on the weekends. There was no riding in Our northern counties last year so it will be interesting to see how people handle themselves this season once things start to get going. We are facing other issues within the sport like restaurants and taverns being open, gas stations closing, clubs dealing with having just the old timers doing all the work to name a few. I bought a battery for my sled last week at local dealer in Woodruff and he had it in stock, all charged for $185. I kind of knew that was what the price was a couple of years ago so I was pleased but this dealer always seems to be price at or below internet pricing so he gets my business. Hoping for a great season to start up soon!


Well-known member
These issues are everywhere, now that I live here full time rarely do I ride on the weekends. There was no riding in Our northern counties last year so it will be interesting to see how people handle themselves this season once things start to get going. We are facing other issues within the sport like restaurants and taverns being open, gas stations closing, clubs dealing with having just the old timers doing all the work to name a few. I bought a battery for my sled last week at local dealer in Woodruff and he had it in stock, all charged for $185. I kind of knew that was what the price was a couple of years ago so I was pleased but this dealer always seems to be price at or below internet pricing so he gets my business. Hoping for a great season to start up soon!
Can't ride anymore because of a bad shoulder, but I never road the weekends once I moved here. Just too many idiots! I live on the SE side of Big St Germain lake and have a trail that goes right by the house but 99.9% do observe the 25mph speed limit. I have trees in front so it is hard to hear them go by but I can see the lights at night. It's actually worse in the summer when the 4-wheelers and mini-cycles with no mufflers go by.

old abe

Well-known member
I think the knuckleheads got worse as sled technology improved more power ,less ski lift stable ride. Early 2000s I demoed a Mxz super 800 with special suspension and dealer asked what I thought and I said crazy power and ride thru the bumps the sled could take it if I could hold on the sled was begging for more. Sleds up to then were limited in speed ,ski lift and handling now days limitless power and fantastic handling very much point and shoot sleds skill isn’t that important anymore so more idiots doing things that they shouldn’t.
Exactly whitedust, X2! There is no fix for stupid, fool idiots as in the "look at me, look at me" crowd o_O !

old abe

Well-known member
These issues are everywhere, now that I live here full time rarely do I ride on the weekends. There was no riding in Our northern counties last year so it will be interesting to see how people handle themselves this season once things start to get going. We are facing other issues within the sport like restaurants and taverns being open, gas stations closing, clubs dealing with having just the old timers doing all the work to name a few. I bought a battery for my sled last week at local dealer in Woodruff and he had it in stock, all charged for $185. I kind of knew that was what the price was a couple of years ago so I was pleased but this dealer always seems to be price at or below internet pricing so he gets my business. Hoping for a great season to start up soon!