<b>Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #166 (31,752)</b>


New member
Hey everybody, It's so dead in here I think everyone is still in a turkey coma. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.



New member
boy, it sure is quiet around here, this thread should be hoppin' this time of year, i sure do miss reading all the ramling's-like in the years past... where did everyone go? and why? this site has always been real friendly and like a big family!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> sure would be nice if some of the "old timers" would check in now and then.

WHERE IS EVERYBODY!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>


New member
go to the search bar in the top right corner of facebook, type in a name, and click the magnifying glass, then you will have to scroll down all the people with that name and click on the one you want. most of us are in the group fans of johndee, you can click on people who have joined the group.
trails are supposed to open today, by the looks of the forecast it wont be long. i can t wait to head up to the U.P.
all of you have a great day, ive got a list to do before i head off to work


New member
<font color="0000ff">I'm still stumblin' 'round Jim,. . . . . . No Facebook for me! I don't need the whole world knowin' Who I talked to, who talked to me, when I'm going to the bathroom, ect., . . . . . John Dee website is My Facebook LOL!

<font color="0000ff">Looks like winter weather headed our way for the weekend and beyond!</font>

<font color="0000ff">YIPPEEEEE!</font>

note to all who love facebook: (not meant to offend anyone,. . . . just not MY thing)



New member
Noooooo it's not Facebook... not for me anyway.

Nothing but the same ol' same ol' for me. No jobs, searching for jobs, school work. Don't have anything to really talk about.

Facebook is fun and I've gotten back in touch with a lot of friends from previous jobs, from high school and I can keep tabs on my family. So I love Facebook!

BUT - my NUMBER ONE web page is John Dee.com!! I am here every day checking the forecast, checking the graphics, reading the board and the journal and now that the snow is flying checking all the cams waiting for snow!

Did ya all see the announcement? The new message board will be rolled out Thursday... I can't wait!





New member
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. The whole weekend was busy for me and went by fast.

I am on Facebook but I don't post much, mostly because not much is going on in my life. I also check here as well. It's actually easier to check here since you have to log in on Facebook. I guess I'm too lazy to go that extra step sometimes. I do have to say that I have also gotten back in touch with people through Facebook that I haven't seen nor heard from in years. In fact, the past two times I went down to Chicago I met up with my friend from high school that stood up to my wedding. I lost track of her when she got divorced and then I moved to the UP so she couldn't contact me. I hadnt' seen or heard from her in 20 years. Her sister found me on Facebook. Very cool.

I put up the Christmas tree last night. Now I have to decorate it and put out all the other decorations. Now all we need is snow to make it feel like it is the Christmas season.


New member
I Face book cus I can use my Blackberry! Hope the new changes on Thursday will make this possible!

We will be switching to the new discussion board software Thursday morning Dec. 3,
so the board will not be available to posting from roughly 5 am to 7 am Thursday
morning. All user profiles and current posts will be transferred to the new board. - John"


Active member
I am still hear, alive and kicking.

Not to much new here I guess. No snow, ate to much at Thanksgiving and now will eat way to much at Christmas, lol.

I do have an interview on Thursday for the fire department that I am really hoping to get onto. I was hired the last time around but something happened about 6 mths before I was to start training so it didn't work out.


I'm still here too, nothing new happening, still waiting to get out of my sling, hopefully on Thru. when I go back to the Doc. I have my 1st PT appointment on Monday, don't know if the Doc is gonna let me go back to work on Monday, work is wanting me pretty bad I guess, so we'll have to wait and see.

Squat did you get a sled yet??

Happy Dec!!



New member
Who's tending bar this afternoon? next ronds on me
Been busy cutting fire wood for the last 2 wks looks like the snow is going to miss us next week so I will still beable to get into the woods for more wood. Unloaded the sleds sat. morming & brought them inside the shop but thats it.

Bradzoo- Noah starts PT tomorrow morning he is going to hate me & his mother but now that he has his cast off he refuses to move his arm & he's losing muscle so off to PT we will go

its 52* on the 1st of Dec. hard to get into the Snowmodrinking mood
later Snowpeeps


New member
still haven't figured that facebook thing out yet, but i think i'll stay right here... the best site on the web!!!


New member
Morning All -
I am so far behind on both sites it isn't even funny!
I will try to catch up by the weekend!
Have a good everyone!


New member
JD is the best of them all, this is where i met the best people in the world!!
They forced me to go on facebook!! lol


Active member
Well I guess I made the jump, it was bumpy for the first couple minutes but I'm here now, guess I have to start all over again it had me as a senior member now I'm back to a junior

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