<b>Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #166 (31,752)</b>


New member
That is GREAT NEWS! I'm glad that you were able to catch a break on the house and get some reliable vehicles! Shelly described her's on FB and I am dying to see a picture of it! I've wanted one of those for awhile!!


Yeah... says we are gonna get 4-7 inches here... south side of the Twin Cities... but I'm not holding my breath. We've got the icy crunchy stuff on the roads right now... but that's it.

I've got math class tonight - taking the Unit 3 Test... THEN if I have time I will try the final exam. BUT... if I don't have time, the prof will be holding a class on Saturday - so I could take it then and be DONE WITH MATH! So far, I am still holding my 4.0 - I am so happy that I'm keeping the grade. It's busting my arse, but since I don't have a job... it's the only thing that's keeping me busy!

Later Taters!

REV IT UPx3!!!



New member
Congrats Bigvin. A new truck, a lot of snow to ride in, lifes pretty good right now for you. Have a cold one and in joy the moment.


New member
Congrats BV!!! That's awesome!! Nothing like the Chevs - they are great trucks! (Oh and GMC's too - since that's what we have now!! LOL)
The wife got a new one too? What did she get??

Kboo - be careful - tell Madison too have a good time! Wish I were going riding.......

Juls - it's coming down good up here - so maybe - just maybe we'll get what they say? My CEO was telling me that he heard we were supposed to get 9 inches - I laughed and said I can only pray that would happen!!! (he's not a winter person! hee hee hee)

I'm feeling a little better - stupid sinus issues - was hoping it wasn't more than a slight cold - and so far - I think that may have been the case!

Bradzoo - Eric had PT on Monday and again tomorrow. He's doing really well - they did stretching and gave him more home exercises to do. One of these days I'll remind him to scan his pictures of his shoulder.....the arthritis in there was disgusting!!! BLEH!!!

So we agreed to host Christmas Day at our house this year. My mom arrives from TN next Thursday - just in time to help clean the house! Hee hee - should I warn her now or wait until I pick her up at the airport? ROFL

ok peeps - back to watching the snow fly by my 9th floor window......oh - errr - I mean back to working!! :)


New member
We are still supposed to get hit tonight with a bunch of snow late tonight into tomorrow. We'll see. I'm still skeptical. I hope is snows a ton just because I love snow. The people at work think I'm nuts. It has been snowing very lightly all day. It's nice to see the ground covered in the white stuff.

I went to the doctor last Friday for a progress appointment on my knee. It is doing great and he does not see a problem with me riding a snowmobile. That was news I wanted to hear. I also can start jogging lightly, but I will pass on that, especially with the ice and snow that is on the streets now.

K-boo - Wow, Iron Mountain is tempting. I won't be picking up my sled until Friday. Iron Mountain is about a 2-1/2 hour drive for me. It's very tempting. I wonder if they will get enough snow? That is the question. I understand being nervous pulling the trailer with the car. I'm still a bit nervous driving by myself pulling a trailer all over creation and I have a truck!

BigVin - Congrats on the new old truck! It sounds like an awesome find. Good job on the creative financing. I have been there and done that.

Why is work so busy today?


New member
Towing a trailer with a car isn't hard, you just have to take it slow and see how everything feels befor yougo hammering in the fast lane. An suv would be way better though.

Big vin congrats on the new wheels.

No snow here in SW michigan yet, but I can still hope.


Active member
Alright BV Congrats Big Bro and a 4x4 to boot, you'll like it

We just got a dusting of snow they say rain is coming I hope not

Not much going on, Kelly is painting the walls in the living room glad my shoulder can't do repetitive motion I hate painting


Active member
Well we got about 2"-3" of snow last nite now its raining 38 degree's tomorrow it will freeze solid and we'll be able to ice skate


New member
I guess that wasn't so bad. I'm always the last one to switch over to new stuff at work too...let everybody else work out any of the bugs first. :)

So, after an hour and a a half of blowing snow this morning, I made it to work. Where the heck is everybody else? Wimps. The parking lot and sidewalk at work were the worst part of the trip. 4x4 helps.

Drifty : Are you getting dumped on big time down there? If you're out playing and don't answer for a while, I understand.

I think I need a nap already.



New member

How much SNOW you got down there!? Did you take a snow day?

We have about 6 inches.. and it's blowing like crazy - pretty damn cold too. I can do without the below freezing temps - but BRING ON THE SNOW!

The kids are out playing in it... Dustin is shoveling... his form of play... the plow just went buy... he's not happy right now. DOH!

Dylan just runs around and falls over in the snow... and then flops around like a fish. Looks like he's having a blast!

They are shoveling paths for the dog... the snow is up past her belly so she can't go potty... so they are making her some potty paths.


REV IT UPx3!!!



New member
Nope, no snow day. I'm here faithfully working. ;)

With all the snow blowing around, it was too hard to tell how much we got in the dark this morning. My driveway and sidewalk ranged from 6 " to about 2 feet. But the wind plays a big part in how it blows around my house. I'd guess maybe in the 8-12" range. Maybe I should turn on a radio and check it out.



New member
We got what I would say is a foot of new snow in GB. Supposed to continue until 5 pm with blizzard conditions until noon. Started as the wet sticky stuff then lighter on the top. Took me about 1.5 hours to do the driveway with the blower this morning and to shovel a path for our wimpy little dog, Doofus.(Do Yorkies really count as dogs?)

Temps are supposed to be subzero tonight and wind chills remaining below zero most, if not all, of the day tomorrow. I think Winter has arrived....

Trails don't open in WI until 12/15 with a few exceptions as far as I know so maybe a midweek run next week.

Ugly Naked Snow-Dance continues!


Active member
BV hows that 4x4 working for ya, looks like you got it just in the nick of time

Well temp is dropping here changed from rain to snow and starting to blow like crazy, tail of the storm must be coming through


Active member
2"-3" maybe temps dropping 32 now dropping to about 10 tonite winds gusting to 60mph is what the local say's. Real windy out now at times bird feeders are sideways


New member
Dave glad to see you made it!!

Scoop not afraid to pull the trailer just worried about my car!! I love my granny car!! lol They have 10-12" on the ground right now in Iron Mnt and more to come so looks like we won't have to trailer anywhere and just ride from the motel. Let me know if you want to meet us there!? I'm not leaving until 6pm Friday night so i won't be there until midnight anyways then up early to ride Saturday.

Jul's just me and hotty Squatty going, Madison is with her dad this weekend.


New member
Well, I am the only one here at work. The district secretary told everyone to stay home because it took her 10 tries to get into the parking lot because it was plowed in. I have a full size truck so I figured it would be no problem. The plow service, however, broke through the plowed barrier to the parking lot so it was all good. I am guessing we have a least a foot of snow with a lot of drifting. Very cool!

The morning was interesting. It took me almost 1-1/2 hours to clear my drive. Then I walk in the house and my cats are in my dining room staring at my computer backpack. Uh oh, not good. I move it and a mouse runs out and they go chasing it. It is now in my kitchen somewhere. I don't know if the cats brought it upstairs from the basement or if it found it's way to the upstairs by itself.

Work is super busy which is the only reason I bothered to come in.

K-boo - That is tempting to go ride in Iron Mountain, but I may pass. I need to get some stuff done this weekend.

I must get back to work so I can get out of here and enjoy my vacation days tomorrow and Friday.


Active member
Scoop, Kaboolie said she will come over and help you with the mouse.HAHAHAAH The Chips were prolly just bring you a present, that is what our cat Bob does, he'll show up in the middle of the night on the bed with a mouse.

Blowing BAD here I have know idea how fast the gusts are but it feels like I'm in Kansas


New member
Just a dusting of snow here, but it was cold this morning. Glad I plugged the truck in last night so it was almost warm by the time I got to work. I am jelous of you guys going snowmobling this weekend. I am stuck going to the wifes family christmas get togeather. But next weekend I am going to go riding.



Active member
We got about 1.5", its 12 degrees and still snowing wind has calmed down some, it was bad last night, blew my lighted Merry Christmas sign right off the front porch and it was nailed on, the C in Christmas is completely gone no sign of it. Guess its time to go get another one.