Bachelor Party ideas


Well-known member
I will be probably involved in planning two different bachelor parties for mid to late summer, although they might be combined. Looking for ideas. Most of those who will be involved are in their early 30's, some married, some not. Most are into active outdoors stuff - some snowmobilers, some golfers, some hikers, some hunters, boaters, rock climbers, etc. Some don't do much beyond 12 ounce curls. A bar scene will probably be involved at some point, but any crazy stuff will be out of the question for several - certain types of "clubs" for example. Most of the guys live somewhere near Chicago, so probably within 3 hours of there would be preferred. Some probably won't want to blow too much $$$. What do you think? Whatever we do will probably take up a weekend.


New member
heres what i did for my brothers bachelor party. we went golfing around 2 with the uncles and cousins and groomsman, then we came back to my parents place where we had a keg and some booze. then when the sun got a little lower, we started the bonfire and chilled around that. was pretty easy and didnt cost much at all.


Little farther than 3 hrs, but you could go to Door County. Good golf, state parks for the outdoorsy types, fishing charters, lots to see and do in an adult environment. Good bars and restaurants, no strip clubs, no casinos, could tie it in with a Lambeau Field/Packer Hall of Fame tour if that is of interest.

Send me a PM and I will work out a deal on motel rooms.

When are the parties?
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depends on what the groom is into, if he is a golfer, then golf. everyone will enjoy whatever it is. there is paintball around joliet, charter fishing on the big lake, gambling boats, arlington park racecourse. lots to do around here. good luck and have fun


Active member
We went racing go-carts at Sugar River raceway in Broadhead WI. Same place where Danica Patrick started. These arent slow carts like at the Dells or amusment parks. Helmuts and neck braces required. It was a blast. Then went all got messed up around a bonfire.

That was alot cheaper than going to a strip club where the featured dancers are little people.......


Active member
We've done a couple of golf type outings to start with, and we did it like a best ball type of thing so the guys that didn't play much still had fun. Then we went someplace to eat then had a rental van with a driver to take us around to some fine astablishments.
It was a good time and not too wild, but I've been to those also.
Good luck, should be fun no matter what happens.


New member
nobady has stated the ovious

Doesn't sound like this crew is looking for the Hurley type scene (at least not the lower block:)). Plus, that would be a long haul from Illinois, and they're looking to stay relatively close to home. How about the Lake Geneva area?

Some nice places to stay (range of prices) , some real good food and drink, golfing, etc... and not too far to travel.


Active member
I second the paintball idea. I've been to a few where we started the afternoon with paintball. (A good paintball course will always have a few good ideas for picking on the bachelor and his best man.) Mine for instance............ had 23 guys. Once we completed the woods/bunker course, they took us to an open field, (about 75 yards long), took my gun from me, and placed me at one end about 30 yards from the lineup of 22 guys, then said "Run!" I ran through a relentless hail storm of paint and emerged on the other side with my right side colored and welted to the tilt. (Not fun for me, but you can imagine the reaction from the rest of the gang!).......... Sorry for the sidetrack. Just brought back that memory. Anyhow, we did the paintball, then back to our house for bbq, and beer, before going to hit a few bars for the the evening. Have fun! Was reasonably priced, and gave those who didn't want to hit the bars, a chance to participate during the day instead.


New member
Golf for a party like that is tough, for the non-golfers - it can be torture.

Take them out on a fishing launch, usually pretty low cost, most here let you bring your own beverages.
Even if your not into fishing they usually provide equipment for those that need it. And do all the thinking for you, find the fish etc.
I have been on couple on Mile lacs and they were alot of fun, even for those that never fish. But they would need a license for the day. We did small bets, first fish, biggest fish, smallest fish, most, ect. sat drank whatever we wanted and fished.

Do they have fishing launches over there ? I'm not sure
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Well-known member
Thanks for all the input. In the end it will be up to what the guests of honor want to do but I did want to have some ideas and suggestions...

The weddings are in Aug and Oct, but I don't know when the parties will be yet.


New member
golf, canoeing? what is happening to men these days. how about a bed and breakfast to with it. strippers and booze


New member
I kinda feel like I need to go to church and beg for forgiveness. All these clean wholesome ideas of golfing, fishing, and go carts make previous bachelorette parties I’ve thrown sound like something planned by the devil himself ;)