Back in June, I had some back problems-herniated disc between my C6 & C7 vertabraes. The bulging disc was causing nerve problems, which caused extreme pain down my left arm, and my fingers went completely numb. The neurosurgeon wanted to perform a discectomy on me (remove the disc and fuse the two vertebrae together). As is standard for surgeons, they are going to push towards the surgery option-that's the only thing that fills their pockets. As I was was in pain like I've never known before, I wanted to just do the surgery. I was at the point where any suggestion to alleviate the pain, I was going to jump all over it. My wife, being an RN, said we should look into some other options before jumping into surgery. Because the C6/C7 are at the top of the spine (neck area), the surgery had a hgih success rate, but, like any other surgery, it had its' risks. In looking as some alternatives, I opted for an injection, and it worked almost immediately. Within a week, I was feeling back to my normal self. It's been almost 5 months, and I've had no pain whatsoever. Been golfing, riding the Harley, and coaching my two sons baseball and football teams (now lookiing forward to sledding season

. I really didn't want to miss any of those opportunities over the summer if at all possible. Surgery would have been a 6 week recovery time. With the injection, I was back in action within the first few days. Doc said I may need to come back in for another injection if things flair up again, which is no big deal, but so far so good. I still may need surgery down the road, but if I can enjoy a quality life until my boys are off to college or later, without having to go through surgery, I'm all for it. Everybodys situation and problem is different, but just be sure you've explored and considered all other options before jumping into the surgery.