I have chronic back issues, and a history of lumbar fusion, but I've learned what to, and not to do over the years. Sunday I spent 10 hrs in the truck, with just enough stops to eat and gas up. By the time we got home I was done for. I could feel my lower back compressed. So, I laid on the floor for a couple hrs Sunday evening, then again on Monday, doing the usual stretches. Some coworkers seem to think that an inversion table would help me out. After some looking, I see many models of the tables, but then I see what's called the Dex II decompression unit. I'm gonna buy something, but not sure yet. The main issue I have with the table models is that I have a bad ankle.....(major fracture of the ankle and lower tib/fib that's held together with a lot of hardware) I don't wanna put undo stress on that ankle, and I understand that the table models require you to basically hang by the ankles. So, I'm looking for thoughts from anyone that uses a table or decompression unit. Good, bad, waste of time and money.....etc....