BACKPACK TRIP! Cable/Hayward to Minocqua Wi

Hi guys,

Trying to plan a backpack trip, is there a good route from Cable Wi. area back to Minocqua? Is there a town/place to divide that trip into two days?


Active member
park falls had a few hotels
pike lake area northeast price county has moose jaw resort they have nice cabins and they are very proud of them nice bar/restaurant
lac da flambeau casino has a hotel on the res.
honestly you can do that trip in a day
prolly 90-100 miles


Active member
never know some people traveling with kids like to take it slow and just do 50 miles a day


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Staff member
I would also recommend Moose Jaw, at the very least a meal break and have your picture taken with the moose. Then head west to Park Falls and jump on the Tuscobia for high miles and a fast track. But as mentioned above snow is needed asap. Half the counties in your trip are still closed or with marginal conditions.
Think Snow and More Snow!

Jeez, don't follow me. Meant to say traveling east on the Tuscobia.
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Active member
I would also recommend Moose Jaw, at the very least a meal break and have your picture taken with the moose. Then head west to Park Falls and jump on the Tuscobia for high miles and a fast track. But as mentioned above snow is needed asap. Half the counties in your trip are still closed or with marginal conditions.
Think Snow and More Snow!

Jeez, don't follow me. Meant to say traveling east on the Tuscobia.

you were correct park falls is west of moose jaw
and you can only go west on the Tuscobia from park falls
the Tuscobia ends in park falls going east


Active member
Speed of trip from Cable to Minocqua depends on if you go through Ashland County into Iron County or drop south on forest roads to the Tuscobia to Park Falls. The southern route using the Tuscobia, also corridor 10, is faster, but more heavily traveled. You just stay on state corridor 10 to 17 then right into Minocqua.


Well-known member
True on the southern route. If you go through Ashland and Iron county (Northern route) it becomes a little tricky and parts of that trail can be a little nasty as some parts are not groomed. Once you hit Price County their trails are typically the best in the state in that area.

If you want the smoothest and quickest take the southern route. I have done both many times all the way to Park Falls. Also be careful not to take the route through the city of Park falls as it is a lot of pavement and with a low snow year you will overheat for sure.

Just my 2 cents.


Well-known member
Pretty much point and shoot - there are a few ways to go. Pick the one the groomer was on the most recent....