Ban the can


New member
I'm not sure what it would take or if it is too late for this season but our sport is suffering from the users of loud aftermarket exhaust systems, my thought is if we could find an artist or designer who could come up with a nice drawing or picture with the red circle and a line through it that conveys the message that loud exhaust systems are not welcome. They could be made in the form of a sticker or a poster and given to any business willing to display it. I am not saying that anybody take any action on the issue but simply display the signs. Of course business owners do reserve the right to refuse service to anyone they like but law enforcement is best left to the authorities and they have higher priorities but it seems to me that loud exhausts are threatening many trails.


New member
Let me just toss something out there I've had many sleds most not stock I have mtn sleds mod sleds and race sleds .now let me state this loud pipes have multiple purposes from a power standpoint it does have an effect yes sadly that means there loud but at the same time so is a 1000 cc stock sled they all echo through the woods it's the middle of winter I mean a sneeze sounds like a gun shot. So as I'm sitting here I just want to remind you that everyone has the right to do what they wish with there sleds some do turbos which are loud some do under glow lights all in some way shape or form can cause issues to one person or another now with saying that I also want to say this. I'm a home owner in the u,p I hear the stock ones I hear the loud as H $// ones it really doesn't bother me because if they loose the ability to complain about after market cans they will find something else to complain about. Yes loosing trails suck but always remember for every one A $$ brain there's 10 others on those trails riding to just cruise and enjoy some famity time will property owners realize that doubt it and to be completely honest an less it's made specifically illegal that aftermarket cans are not allowed they will still exist. Not trying to start an argument just stating some facts and opinions from both sides


Well-known member
I say ban the can....Bud Lite and most all beers are better when bottled....don't see any craft beers in a can, do you?
I stopped getting it in the can years ago and am much better off now.


I say ban the can....Bud Lite and most all beers are better when bottled....don't see any craft beers in a can, do you?
I stopped getting it in the can years ago and am much better off now.

There are a number of excellent locally brewed beers that come in cans. In my opinion, Bud Lite would taste like fish piss by comparison to any of these beers no matter what it comes in.

On a totally unrelated subject, its good to hear that you are no longer "getting it in the can".

And on another subject, I can speak for a silent majority of locals when I say that loud, obnoxious people on snowmachines do nothing to improve our quality of life up here. As far as depending on tourism dollars for survival, that is a myth. If so much money is being pumped into the local economy up here by tourists, then there should be more than enough money to repair some of our crumbling roads, but there isn't. Snowmachines have literally destroyed Brockway Mountain Drive, and there is not enough money to effectively repair it. You can spin these statements any way you like, but if you have proof to the contrary, I'd like to see it.

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
Some of the Provinces in Canada have made it simple. If the exhaust is not FACTORY STOCK, you get a fine and/or your sled possibly confiscated. No messing around with decibal meters or anything else.

And yes--Harleys are loud, but they are not driven on private lands/trails.


Well-known member
any thing else we can ban ?
come on let ban something else it could be fun
cant be snow bike kits the old men in MN did not like them so already did that
we can come up with something else we don't like and spread the sanctimonious joy


I say ban the can....Bud Lite and most all beers are better when bottled....don't see any craft beers in a can, do you?
I stopped getting it in the can years ago and am much better off now.

Do you drink Bud Light after you get it in the can?


New member
The OP does bring up an interesting idea of some form of "universal" poster that could be distributed all over the place. BUT, who would make them and pay for them? Who would post them? And of course...who would even pay attention to them? It's a topic that gets pounded into the dirt every season, but until riders actually have a common stand on will NEVER get resolved. If there were a law of ZERO tolerance, then it might be possible. But until then, I think it's up to the local DNR enforcement to uphold the current laws that are in place. If they choose not to, then it's a lost cause. Land owners will tolerate just so much as we all know. When they've had enough, their land will be pulled from the trail system. Happens every year. Not sure what the big attraction to losing a couple pounds from a sled is, for no true gain in performance. But to each his own. Make noise, get em goes on.


Well-known member
Really dumb idea for up north biz to post any type of sign that drives away their customers. Their biz so run it any way they want is my motto but if my biz no frigging way. Sure other issues with loud pipes but not local biz battle to fight noise for the industry.


Well-known member
Kwikgrin proved me wrong and it looks like he still gets it in the can....pretty sure they send youse yoopers the stuff in the can
for safety far as BL tasting like fishpiss, I have no 1st hand knowledge of that so I will take your word on it.

Saying any muffler other than factory supplied is fineable is the lazy enforcement way out and was initiated after several court battles where the
in excess db levels were not proven....stop eroding everyones freedom by agreeing with that sort of shody stipulation enforcement.
Bad law is bad law. There is a standard db level in the industry that has nothing to do with the method in which you get to that db level.


New member
As far as Harleys go, I just purchased a new Street Glide Special. It sounded like a sewing machine off the show room floor. I asked the dealer what pipes they recommend and still not require messing with the brain box and would not be obnoxiously loud. They stated the Screaming Eagle Street Cannons since they meet EPA regulations. ...Well, Wow! Harley must have those boys in their back pockets. They sound totally sweet and much louder then expected. Just saying.
On the other hand I totally think snowmobile cans will be our downfall, because as stated in a post above, private land crossing and the idiots on main street after the bar closes. Which brings me to,"Do you know that drunken snowmobiling is the same as drunken driving in Michigan". End of rant.
Oh, and please pick up your cans and bottles and dispose of them properly.


Do you drink Bud Light after you get it in the can?

From what I have heard first you drink the Bud Light. Then you get it in the can. Then you have a cigarette. I think I read that somewhere. No personal experience.


Well-known member
after 6 bottles or so I go to the can.

most AM silencer mannies have gotten the message loud and clear that guys want a light weight yet db compliant unit and have done a great job providing them.


Well-known member
The OP does bring up an interesting idea of some form of "universal" poster that could be distributed all over the place. BUT, who would make them and pay for them? Who would post them? And of course...who would even pay attention to them? It's a topic that gets pounded into the dirt every season, but until riders actually have a common stand on will NEVER get resolved. If there were a law of ZERO tolerance, then it might be possible. But until then, I think it's up to the local DNR enforcement to uphold the current laws that are in place. If they choose not to, then it's a lost cause. Land owners will tolerate just so much as we all know. When they've had enough, their land will be pulled from the trail system. Happens every year. Not sure what the big attraction to losing a couple pounds from a sled is, for no true gain in performance. But to each his own. Make noise, get em goes on.

cut the crap .I deal with pissed off land owners all the Time I can count on 1 hand with fingers left over bitching about loud sleds. it is 98% some jack hole drove past the no snowmobile signs and in to his winter wheat or yard or what ever. or the guys flying past the stop then roosting there drive. guys leaving there garbage ie belts beer cans on a guys summer tractor road . I know it is always more ez to pick 1 thing out and pointlessly cry about it . but be honest with your self do u really think it is the can getting trail shut ? or poss dumb arses of all ages caught up in the moment.

- - - Updated - - -

I stopped getting it in the can years ago and am much better off now.
how much time did u have to do ? do the old cellmates still send u valentines


New member
Ezra nice to see your input on this topic. Lol I think your 100 percent right and to kinda add to what I said earlier I have a place in ft wayne and trout lake we also have 40 acres in Newberry we get mad when we see peoples trash on out property or even better when we catch someone on our property where we have no trespassing signs everywhere and private use only signs and crazy thing is its all back roads to get to the 40 however our home in trout lake is about a 30 second ride to the trail our house is on Frenchmen lake and I know that the little resort with the little cabins right there by the trail they get more pee offed about the trash and junk from the lazy bunch or Joe hotrod who thinks they need to jump every plow mound on the property than loud pipes. I spend a lot of time in trout lake and the surrounding areas all summer and winter I ride with alot of people from this site and have many well and I can say this 99.9 percent of the jd family are the most respectful sledders I have ever met if there were more like us there would be no issues but as we all know that's not true. I have had my share of modded sleds most with non factory exhaust but as stated above by snobuilder there are plenty of complient cans out there now and I think that maybe they will become more popular because I personally know that with some sleds I've built certain aftermarket cans have increased power alot in some cases not always I however habe been fortunate enough to be able to dyno some of them........ but no matter what someone some where will complain about something and want to ban something it's always something new but this subject is ran into the ground year after year....



Super Moderator
Staff member
So, sleds have ruined the road on Brockway? Not the millions of cars, trucks, rv's? Lol, good one.


So, sleds have ruined the road on Brockway? Not the millions of cars, trucks, rv's? Lol, good one.

Heard that from the Keweenaw County Road Commission. I'm guessing that is one of the reasons sleds are not allowed here on plowed County Roads. But the State of Michigan apparently requires Keweenaw County to allow snowmachines to ride on unplowed County roads, which isn't really a problem on unpaved roads. But sleds can reek havoc on pavement. That is fact. One of the problems up here is that most of the money made from the snowmobile industry goes elsewhere (Houghton County and further South, especially to the State govt. in Lansing), and the local community is often left with the burden of covering the hidden costs of providing cleanup, road repair, and emergency services. These costs can exceed additional revenue brought in from tourists. And, yes, it isn't only snowmobilers. Real revenue comes from residents and businesses that locate here and pay taxes here, but there aren't that many of us. Which is actually a good thing in a lot of ways, but it doesn't leave a lot of money for local road repair.


Staff member
Heard that from the Keweenaw County Road Commission. I'm guessing that is one of the reasons sleds are not allowed here on plowed County Roads. But the State of Michigan apparently requires Keweenaw County to allow snowmachines to ride on unplowed County roads, which isn't really a problem on unpaved roads. But sleds can reek havoc on pavement. That is fact. One of the problems up here is that most of the money made from the snowmobile industry goes elsewhere (Houghton County and further South, especially to the State govt. in Lansing), and the local community is often left with the burden of covering the hidden costs of providing cleanup, road repair, and emergency services. These costs can exceed additional revenue brought in from tourists. And, yes, it isn't only snowmobilers. Real revenue comes from residents and businesses that locate here and pay taxes here, but there aren't that many of us. Which is actually a good thing in a lot of ways, but it doesn't leave a lot of money for local road repair.

Actually, it was not the sleds, but the groomers. The metal cleats on the old New Hollands would tear up the stretch at the very top that got windblown and would not hold snow. We now use PistenBullys exclusively on Brockway (have been for 4 seasons), as they have all rubber tracks. The damage is no longer happening.

Also, the issue caused by the groomers was a stretch of around 100-200 yards long up by the gift shop where the wind scours the snow away. We also put up some snow fencing to try and stop the scouring of snow from that spot and it has helped some. So it is not the entirety of Brockway Mountain Drive. The rest is covered in feet of snow all winter and protected by that. The rest of the damage on the drive is from normal wear and tear by summer traffic.

This comes first hand from a board member of the club that does the grooming and someone that has worked on the issue and is close personal friends with the Chief Engineer of the County Road Commission, who's initials are JD. :)
