Well, I like beer. Have a kegerator. Usual candidates have been two hearted, Ore Dock reclamation, Black Rocks 51K, widow maker, red jacket, oberon, etc. Just scored a Bells titania, never had before. Doubt anyone else has it. What should the next keg be?
Youngling is just rice beer with color. Better than most, but still a rice beer.
51k is always nice, but getting redundant. Staying with a common UP beer, the Escanaba PA hit the spot last trip.
Well, I like beer. Have a kegerator. Usual candidates have been two hearted, Ore Dock reclamation, Black Rocks 51K, widow maker, red jacket, oberon, etc. Just scored a Bells titania, never had before. Doubt anyone else has it. What should the next keg be?
Have you ever had it on tap? I realize it's just a "traditional lager", but it definitely ain't no run of the mill "rice beer" in my opinion. I've been getting kegs shipped in from PA and it is by far one of my go to beers. Way better in the keg. Unpasteurized and mighty tasty!