Belt wear o4 800 skidoo


New member
The sled has went threw 4 belts and has after market rollers but that's this it... Any ideas to fix the problem


New member
Has your clutch cover been vented? My 04 was hard on belts due to excessive heat. I took a hole saw to the lower plastic gaurd that is riveted to the upper aluminum.


New member
Try to float your secondary, I have them on all my sleds and have never had to replace a broken belt. I run a 800 also.


Well-known member
have you checked your bulk head for bends tweeks? looked behind clutch for bulkhead cracking? have you allined the clutches with a clutch alinment tool? if it is a 04 should have been checked a few times buy now.


Active member
If its an 04 its a good bet the bulked is bent. The easy "tell" is look at the spacing between front shocks and A-arms. Compare both sides, if different you have a bent nun. If nun is bent, good chance there is a buckle in the brace behind the clutches, throwing your alignment way off.