This weekend my wife hit something with her ski on her 2005 GTX. We first noticed it because her carbide on her right ski was bent out and up. I looked at the a-arms quickly and they looked fine, not bent at all. So then yesterday as I was unloading it I noticed it wouldn't turn all the way to the left. Still couldn't see any real damage so I flipped it up on it's side to take the carbide off and noticed that in front of the rear mount for the lower a-arm the whole bulkhead is pushed to the right. So we have a big issue here. Is this repairable by a home mechanic? I have a feeling if I take it to insurance its a total as it's a 05 with 6500 miles on it. If I can't repair it is there anyway to get full steering back out of it? I'll try to take some pictures tonight.