If anyone needs triple points for Yamaha's, (or possibly other manufacurers as well), I'd call Bergstrom Skegs right away.
I was shocked at A. - he answered the phone on 1st ring, and B. - he had the triple points in stock, to ship today!
He said he had just made some up over the weekend.
How long they will last is anyones guess, but if you need them, do not wait!
I was ordering now, expecting to wait at least a month, but he had them to ship immediately.
I was shocked at A. - he answered the phone on 1st ring, and B. - he had the triple points in stock, to ship today!
He said he had just made some up over the weekend.
How long they will last is anyones guess, but if you need them, do not wait!
I was ordering now, expecting to wait at least a month, but he had them to ship immediately.