best places to eat from Twin Lakes north



I second the Loading Zone, in our one trip a year UP our group probably eats there 3 times in 5 days, Dinky's Special pizza is great!

The White House in Mohawk had a great Prime Rib special last year, but show up early before they run out.

Slims Cafe in Mohawk is great for breakfast and a few cookies for the saddle bags.

We always tease ourselves that we ride restuarant to restuarant for our favorites every year. When the trails are good, we have to come up with longer loops just so we are hungry by the next stop. When the trails are not so hot it can make for a long day, ha.


We as a group over the last few years have had many bad meals at The Parkview! We tried again on our Dec. trip & decided we're not going back for food again!!!


New member
start at Krupps..

Try Krupps right in Twin lakes.. I thought it was just a gas stop, but they usually cook a whole turkey or two a day, and have great italian food, pasties and more.. .. It's fast and they have lotsa snowmobile parts and supplies too..
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As someone that grew up in the area and frequently returns, I would have to recommend the Ambassador in Houghton (just park your sled east of the bridge and walk up the street - it is right there). The taco pizza is very good with an Ol Mil Light.

The White House in Mohawk.

The Loading Zone in Lake Linden.

The Dreamland Hotel in Bootjack.

And the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge at the Harbor. We just ate at the Lodge last weekend and it was very good. The Lodge has a huge fireplace with a REAL fire.
Personally, I would recommend the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge over the Mariner but the Mariner is okay too. I find the KML just a little more relaxing and friendly.


Active member
you can ride to the ambassador. instead of following the trail onto the bridge (if coming from the south) just follow the snowmobile tracks following the road (sorry about how rough it is). I can't remember which building the Ambassador actually is, but it is pretty soon after passing the bridge. Can park right down by the Portage, but probably have to walk up the street to go in the front entrance. But in my opinion thats not all that bad, downtown Houghton is awesome to walk a little ways along. Oh and the Ambassador has great pizza!

x2 - great pizza. Park the sleds just before going into the City parking ramp and walk a short way up hill (south) on Quincy.

Houghton - I haven't seen the Pilgrim River Steakhouse posted. Excellent steak, a little pricy but great.


New member
The Pines/Zik's Bar & Grill in Copper Harbor (across from the Mariner)

Bear Belly Bar & Grill at Lac La Belle Lodge (of course)