bigfoot seen by special forces squad



go to 15:30 and 18:50....I personally watched the whole thing which you should 15:30 is a hand and thumb...and 18:50 watch it stand...almost nothing about is a bear IMO



Well-known member
just so you know...I am not trying to convince you of keep answering me so I will learn you then

one question mrbb...serious answer please....your a am I....disregard the title of this.....tell me what animal YOU think this is.....I know what I think it is...I watch the films I post...I suspect you don't watch a one....but yet feel like you have to spill your guts to don't....just tell me what animal this is...not where it is...nothing else...but as a hunter...what you think this is....don't care what continent you think it was faked on or whatever....just a simple.....this creature looks like a......what???? its easy if you really are the hunter you portray....and if you don't watch then don't answer me again...because all things have 2 views...I was of the view you have at one time....then I was curious as to what all the hype was actually I looked at the other sides films to if you don't look then we cannot possibly have an intelligent conversation about what it can we...peace out....FYI....I only switched my views AFTER seeing some evidence for myself....nuff said

Tracker, yes I do watch MOST of the BIG foot SO called video's many of the other SCI fi one's on matter and such, NOT so much!

as for an Honest answer to your question, "Tell me what animal YOU think this is"
that answer is super simple to me, that is a HUMAN< trying to make a video to convince folks he captured an UN real critter on video!

if your a hunter, as I am, and have any woodsmanship skills, you would NOT turn and run when a BIG animal is near by, your asking for issue's

there was ZERO reason for the videoing person to run like that other than to add drama to his FAKE video!

people that again WISH to believe will do so, no matter what logic is presented, or what POOR quality video they watch, as there minds are mostly MADE up, they WANT to see what they want to see!

it is very common to have folks SEE the same thing, even IF that thing ISN"T there, it been proven time and time again, its also why magic tricks and shows work, many times!
you set the stage scene, build up expectations and before you know it folks will see things NOT real or there!
add in the fact SO many HUMANS are on drugs today, DON"T think that many are on drugs, then ask yourself why illegal drugs sell so much and make so much money!
more folks using almost than NOT today, add in folks working more and longer hours and then LEGAL prescription drugs and there zillions of side effects, add in, those that THINK they seen "X" and then FIND others claiming to have seen it TOO< and before long you have groups of LIKE minded folks , spreading the WORD! and that leads to more minds being altered into ????
Look at how Cults take off?
why, again people have a NEED to fit in, and many WANT to believe in tings there is NO proof of, as it leaves room for a void to be filled with"X" for them!

again, is it POSSIBLE for a BIG foot to exist? sure, but the odds are highly against it, WAY too many folks out there ALL the time to have NOT found a REAL one, and all the more so in today's endless amounts of idiots with video cam's now!

and since even YOU state there ALL Over the world, thing about the odds of NONE ever being actually PROVEN to be found??

billions believe in GOD< and there is NO proof, and there is NO proof either way on this, yet, churches suck cash out of people like crazy, all on WANTING to believe, as to MOST I gather that do believ, its BETTER than NOT believing, and that's all the reason they need, better safe than sorry I guess logic LOL

I have NO issue's with folks believing either, or NOT till they try to PUSH there belief's on others(and don't think your doing this at all)
your just keeping the site interesting and well, you DO believe, anyone that takes your side, I gather MAKES you feel better, if even just a little?
its how that works>not bashing this either!
lots of things in life are UN known, and may stay that way forever!

till a REAL big foot is caught captured and poked and probed, I will NOT be believing in them however LOL
