Left from home 7:30am Sunday. Went up to Monroe Center & crossed Petenwell Flowage into Juneau county. From there took cor 23 north into Wood Co. to cor 26. Went west on Cor 26 into BRFSF At that point I headed south on cor 25 into Monroe co then took club trails back east to Castle Rock flowage and crossed back into Adams county and back to home (6pm.) total miles of smiles..... 195
what an awesome days ride!
I did have one incident... ok... I'm riding along all intune with my sled... all of a sudden I hear this extremely loud roar and shaking feeling... then at about tree top level here goes a F16 under full power right over the top of me. Holy crap that scared the bajeebers outta me!! Besides almost falling off my sled... I bout soiled my shorts... twice over!!!!
I did have one incident... ok... I'm riding along all intune with my sled... all of a sudden I hear this extremely loud roar and shaking feeling... then at about tree top level here goes a F16 under full power right over the top of me. Holy crap that scared the bajeebers outta me!! Besides almost falling off my sled... I bout soiled my shorts... twice over!!!!