Boat cleaning ideas question


New member
I remember reading somewhere of some home made solutions for cleaning boat hulls.Muratic acid diluted with water and some others.Will be pulling boat out in a week or two after sitting in the Mississippi all summer and have a power washer(cold water only) but will need something to help take the crud off.Any good ideas on what will cut it?Oh and how to make it up would be grear also.Thanks.


Well-known member
why play with diluting Muriatic? I dump a gal in a pump up garden sprayer on a day with some good wind to get the fumes moving.walk around spraying the whole thing when I get back to where I started I fire up the pressure washer and wash it off then go back and acid the missed spots.
been doing it that way for 20yrs now.
if you want to really work at it and spend the whole day dinking around U can use the WORKS toilet bowl cleaner it will work but a lot more work toilet bowl cleaner is muriatic acid toned down for home use


Well-known member
Muriatic acid & pressure washing is best bet to cut thru the crud. Muriatic acid attacks anything organic so make sure you do boat clean up where you don't have grass or shrubs. Gravel driveway AOK for this but would not do it on sealed blacktop.Muriatic acid not expensive can by gallons at harware store.


Well-known member
Muriatic acid & pressure washing is best bet to cut thru the crud. Muriatic acid attacks anything organicbut would not do it on sealed blacktop..

I don't know about sealed but I do it on the street in fr of my home and only thing it dose is brighten the curb where I spill no issues with black top but a sealed driveway could be a issue.
we do like 4 boats on a sat or sun winterize/ wash/shrink wrap/works great to do 4 to 6 in a day Henry ford style .after all these yrs the war dept still stick her head out the door and starts in about not burning the the neighborhood down when she hears the shrink wrap torch fire up.
I don't want to start thinking about pulling boat yet I did not hardly use it this yr still have 1/4 tank of gas.I will use allot more come fall.Fall is my fave boating season no one out on the watter put on the canvas good to go


Well-known member
Yes Muriatic acid can clean fiberglass as well as pontoons no problems but probably would take anitfouling paint off or any other type of paint too. I would not use on paint as Muriatic acid is some smoken stuff on organic matter don't want to scare you because it is controlable but it is an acid! Try it in steps until your are comfortable.


New member
Also if you get scale or rust at the water line or on the outdrive you can you CLR. I would not recommend using Muriatic acid on any metal suface (IE: Pontoons) it will alter the surface of raw metals. If you have a good paint or clearcoat, check a small hidden area first. Buddy of mine did his poontoon and the toons etched and turned white. Took a ton of polish and elbow grease to fix.


New member
I have a few pump sprayers to use,but wonder...My boat is an Aluminum Starcraft that is painted white on the bottom half,ezra I take it you spray undiluted Muriatic acid on yours?Will it take the paint off?Or do you cut the acid with water in the sprayer to protect paint?


Well-known member
I dont dilute the acid. as far as aluminum I use it on the pontoon at the cabin works great toons look new when done.
my main boat is fiberglass and has some stickers that get the acid on them with no issues but paint I can not say 1 way or the other never tried.I will ask a bud in the next day or so he has a few skiff crafts come through for winterize and storage


New member
ezra,yes if you could run it by him that would be good.I may also try a small spot on the rear bottom corner first if he is unsure.I will not be pulling it out till end of October so have time to sort it out.


I would use the ZING for aluminum boats... Says it is safe on paited areas. White bottle with blue label. Muriatic acid will be too strong straight... if not careful it can etch a trailer if not cleaned right away.


Well-known member
I sell the Zing but I am a long ways away from you. Try almost any boat dealer in your area. It is great stuff.


Many boat dealers carry it and retailers. I work for a large boat dealer in S.E Wisconsin. Unfortunately, the stuff can not be ups'd.