

New member
I like you really enjoy riding off trail.I have never been west of Munising, mainly because of the drive.We ride trails mainly to get to forest roads and fire trails.Is it worth the drive to ride in your backwoods.? I really appreciate your site and your journals.


Staff member
Kind of a hard one to answer as what is worth the drive for some may not be worth the drive for others.

My best reply would be to look in my past journals and see what I was riding in and see if it appeals enough to you to come this way.



New member
I can't speak to that specifically ( as much east vs west ) but I like the WEST better for trailriding and the area ( IMO of course not to offend ) seems to get more consistant snow and has a better base earlier in the year. (month of DEC ) It seems that around the Gogebic area is 1 of the few areas that we count on for X-mas - N year trip for a week. Even if there is a melt down it generally recovers quick. I have cancelled trips in other areas due to weather & base conditions ( day of the voyage ) only to end up going to the WUP to salvage the journey. I actually ended up in the WUP due to 1 of John's journal reports several years back before I was a " member ". I was a " Lurker " ( LOL ).
However just for the record , trail #8 between Grand Marias & Paradise is 1 of my favorites.


New member
We usually go to strongs area because we know the area, Last year the snow conditions were poor. I am going to take your advice and go west. JD 's journal says it all. Can you recommend a good place to stay, preferably a cabin or small motel. Thanks for input .


Active member
Ol' Confucius say: Picture worth 10,000 words.

From MQT NWS, UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2009-2010.


See also, from MQT NWS:
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2008-2009.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2007-2008.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2006-2007.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2005-2006.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2004-2005.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2003-2004.
UP Total Seasonal Snowfall 2002-2003.

Hey, I think I see a pattern there! :)


New member
I don't think it matter IMO east or west its all about timing and going where others aren't some of thebest snow I was in last year was east away from the higher snow band. All untouched and lots of it if everyone goes to the same place it don't matter how much snow its all going to be tracked up. Think outside the box. Get a area map/mapps and go looking for it.