Ok...I think we have all seen enough brand bashing to last us a lifetime....we all get caught up in it (I have too)...and we all get defensive if somebody is picking on our brand....How many of you have actually owned all FOUR of the current brands in the past 25 years?? I have...and just like you... I have my preferences....I know what brands have been the best for me over all. What dealers have treated me the best ( in a 150 mile radius)....etc.
I think brand loyalty starts at the dealer level....and the only way to find out if your dealer is worth a squat is to have a problem...a good dealer will do everything in his power to help you and keep you on brand X?? I believe that is my experience...and that is why I buy where I buy....and I ride what I ride.
We all get caught up in brand loyality.....WHY??? Because we have a passion for what we do...and passionate people are tough to change....and let's face it...alot of us are biased because of our fathers and what they rode...or disliked.....my dad had sno jets and yamaha's in the early 70's....he disliked scorpions and ski-doos...but liked rupps chapperral's, and a few arctic cat model's....and yeah he was disgusted with me...when I brought a ski-doo to his house..(something about..."what's that yellow blob out there...did the dog pee in the snow bank"....lol)...yep...I still bought ski-doos even though my father didn't like it....but I will admit...it felt funny to me...like I was rooting for the russians in the olympics.
I think what makes our sport fun is that there are 4 brands....who doesn't bash their buddies brand X sled??? IT'S FUN!!! ...
The only thing I don't like is somebody telling somebody else what they ride is all wrong...or they must be "stupid" ride brand X......HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR SOMEBODY ELSE??
I am no different than any of you...I get defensive when somebody says something about my brand...I try not to...but we all can get sucked into it....I guess it's that passion...eh???
I think brand loyalty starts at the dealer level....and the only way to find out if your dealer is worth a squat is to have a problem...a good dealer will do everything in his power to help you and keep you on brand X?? I believe that is my experience...and that is why I buy where I buy....and I ride what I ride.
We all get caught up in brand loyality.....WHY??? Because we have a passion for what we do...and passionate people are tough to change....and let's face it...alot of us are biased because of our fathers and what they rode...or disliked.....my dad had sno jets and yamaha's in the early 70's....he disliked scorpions and ski-doos...but liked rupps chapperral's, and a few arctic cat model's....and yeah he was disgusted with me...when I brought a ski-doo to his house..(something about..."what's that yellow blob out there...did the dog pee in the snow bank"....lol)...yep...I still bought ski-doos even though my father didn't like it....but I will admit...it felt funny to me...like I was rooting for the russians in the olympics.
I think what makes our sport fun is that there are 4 brands....who doesn't bash their buddies brand X sled??? IT'S FUN!!! ...
The only thing I don't like is somebody telling somebody else what they ride is all wrong...or they must be "stupid" ride brand X......HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR SOMEBODY ELSE??
I am no different than any of you...I get defensive when somebody says something about my brand...I try not to...but we all can get sucked into it....I guess it's that passion...eh???