Bridge is down


New member
The gates are closed, they will probably not open until after the repair work is complete.
On the way home from work tonight there were three Sleds grinding their way across the Bridge in the traffic lanes during rush hour with sparks flying and all lol.


New member
That is all. ;) :)

The Keweenaw Snowmobile club and the City of Houghton will be working to have the mats put down and the snow trucked in this week, hopefully by Wednesday. It’s been an interesting start with the weather, Saturday was the first day the groomers went out this season, the lack of snow and some other things have delayed it a bit this year, but it should be opened up soon.



Well-known member
Learned a lot about the bridge this week. Saw the information about the bridge being down and booked a room way across the bridge. It looked pretty good as we approached on a fresh groom. Gates across the trail didn't look good. The groomer was sitting under the bridge and we went over to ask what was going on with the trail. It was a long discussion without any good answers. He was obviously frustrated like the people in our group. He said that the police were coming soon to give him an escort over the bridge. We talked to the officer and he said that crossing on the road was our only option. Nobody was ready to trust the ice yet. We ended up joining the groomer crossing on the road.
Crossed quite a few times without the "mat" in place. It worked fine to cross. Never imagined that the gates would have still been closed days after the bridge was lowered. Lesson learned. The bridge being down and the bridge being open are two significantly different things.
BTW, I called around before coming back across the bridge. I found quite a few helpful people in the trail club, Houghton Police, and Hancock Police. (The police departments do not have an official protocol for escorting sleds.) There were plenty of people that wanted the bridge open, but could not make the call. I'm sure it was even more difficult with the construction project.

Early season riding can be interesting. Add in holiday traffic with trails just opening and things get even more interesting. I figure it is part of the adventure with our sport.