Call the White House today..


Urgent Notice
Call the White House on Monday!

On Monday in Washington, D.C., President Obama's staff is holding a closed-door meeting about what actions the federal government might take to stop Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. While you can't see what happens in the meeting, you can call the White House at 202-456-1414 to voice your opinion.

Make Your Opinion Clear: Close The Locks And Stop Asian Carp From Entering The Great Lakes

If everyone who signed up at called the White House at 202-456-1414, the President would hear from thousands of people in the Midwest who want the locks closed and the Great Lakes protected.

Call Monday: 202-456-1414

So, on Monday morning, please grab your phone and dial 202-456-1414. Call the White House. Tell them you know there is a closed-door meeting about Asian carp today but you want your voice heard.

Permanently close the locks in Chicago before Asian carp can get into Lake Michigan and beyond, ruining our lakes and killing thousands of jobs.

Rumors of a federal plan that would leave the locks open most days have begun to be published in media reports. For example, under one scenario the locks would be open four days per week and closed three days. This makes no more sense than keeping criminals in jail four days a week and hoping nothing bad happens on the other three days. When will the emphasis be placed on protecting the Great Lakes instead of the narrow interests of one state?

Thank You For Your Help

Your vocal efforts on this issue have helped raise the level of attention paid to this crisis here in Michigan, across the Midwest and now in Washington. As our multi-state lawsuit continues before the U.S. Supreme Court, we can only hope that officials in charge will change their stance and announce immediate steps to close the locks and move toward a permanent separation of the Mississippi River and Great Lakes basins. With your help, we can make that happen.


Mike Cox
Michigan Attorney General



New member
I called, e-mailed, signed petitions, etc. I fear the Chicago machine is going to get it's way. The man in charge has people to pay back. Trout unlimited started petitions 2 months ago, it seems nobody in Washington or Illinois cares. At least the Eastern Europeans that line the shore to snag Kings will have something to do.


New member
Isnt there a WHITE HOUSE in the UP???? Or a cuddley little mansion for sledders in Calumet?

Great chocalate chip cookies grandma used to make....yummy.


New member
don't they use electrical barriers on back up generators anyways? Unfortunately its not a matter of if but when, no matter what action they take.