Can for Polaris 850


New member
[FONT=&quot]“We are continuing to get numerous complaints from the public about loud sleds,” said Ron Yesney, Upper Peninsula trails coordinator for the DNR’s Parks and Recreation Division in Marquette. “We’re looking to riders to help us curb this ongoing problem.”

[FONT=&quot]“Enforcement efforts are necessary, but our long-term goal is to gain voluntary compliance from riders,” Yesney said. “Mountain, trail and race cans are strongly discouraged. Loud sleds give snowmobilers a bad name and give those opposed to motorized sports a voice.”[/FONT]


Funny how we get older and we say different things...I remember having a can and now I cannot stand them living next to a place that sees hundreds of sleds a day....Somebody can go on about the law and tickets but around here they are afraid to write tickets or they would be writing them all day..


Well-known member
Slednecks sweatshirt. check. annoying trail closing can. check. no respect for the work that we do to keep our trails. check. The only thing i see missing is the monster sticker. Has to be a monster sticker on there somewhere.... Keep it stock young grasshopper. Keep it stock.


Super Moderator
Staff member
This young man does not care one bit about how loud his sled is. All he cares about is his youtube vids, and how many times he touches his hair in his youtube vids. I'd tell you to go watch his vids, and make your own decision, but, that is exactly what he wants, more hits, more money to be made.


New member
Guys/Gals- If we wish to offer advice do so in a constructive manner. If he simply wants YT hits. Squash it by not posting and send it to the bottom of forum.


Active member
Which can is better in your opinion? Jaws or GGB? I ran GGB last year and it made my sled bog down. Never had that issue before. Will be Running the Jaws next weekend hopefully it’s better.

Will you ever respond to everyone who comments on these things? I give up my Saturdays in the fall and spring to mark trails in my area and stay involved in the sport so that people in our 20s like you and me can continue to have fun for years. If you had land and were doing it there fine, but its in the backyard of Chicago suburbs where majority of people don't even know what two stroke means.

If you want a good channel go watch CBoysTV
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I love the sound of the cans when everyone is sitting at the pump waiting to fuel up with their machines off, and that one guy who is standing on his brap'n the throttle waiting his turn! gets even better when someone outside his group walks up and turns off his machine for him and shouts to knock it off! lol....with that being said, get the one that's LOUDER!!!!


Here is a constructive answer. Get a DiamondS and you have the benefit of the lightest can on the market, claimed small increase hp, and stockish noise levels. Oh and they look really nice too...


Well-known member
I took a day off of work yesterday to go and cut and bunch of trees and brush off of my miles and miles of trails. This is on top of the many days on the weekends to do dirt work and put in bridges. Then in the spring I undo the whole process. I am just one of many guys in our club that dedicate time and effort so that ** like you can ruin it. I am happy to see the comments on the video. All of them calling you a tool. Sorry for my tone but yesterday sucked balls. Two tanks of gas through that chainsaw. I was shot when I got home. Then I see a post like this. Could someone just do us all a favor and delete this thread?
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Active member
I read on here or somewhere.. that loud cans save lives b/c you can hear incoming well in advance of seeing them.