Can we talk about the rediculous WDNR?


New member
Straight from the WI DNR page

Snowmobile trail openings decided on a local level

MADISON – With a winter storm bearing down on Wisconsin this week tempting snowmobilers, state recreational specialists are urge snowmobilers to get their sleds ready, but to put on the brakes until trails are ready and open.

“Ultimately, the decision to open trails is made at the local level,” says Diane Conklin, snowmobile trails grants manager for the state Department of Natural Resources. “While most landowner agreements state that trails can open by December 1, snow, standing crops and weather conditions can dictate the actual opening date, which is announced by county officials.”

Factors that help determine trail openings include snow conditions, temperature, and landowner agreements. Trail preparation and grooming, which is conducted by volunteers representing the snowmobile clubs across the state, is another important factor.

“Over anxious snowmobilers sometimes create problems by going out on the trails before they have been officially opened,” says Gary Eddy, DNR snowmobile administrator. “This is highly irresponsible and illegal; it greatly threatens the landowner agreements that the club members have worked so hard to obtain.”

Snowmobile trail information such as conditions and openings can be found through county foresters, park and recreation officials, local snowmobile clubs, and local chambers of commerce, and on the Snow Conditions Report on the Wisconsin Department of Tourism Web site TravelWisconsin [exit DNR].

Wisconsin ranks among the top states in providing snowmobile trails. DNR provides $5.8 million in grants to maintain more than 18,700 miles of trails in the state, according to Conklin.

“We urge snowmobiles to stay on the trail and ride responsibly,” said Eddy.

More information on snowmobiling in Wisconsin can be found on the Snowmobile Safety Education pages of the DNR Web site.


New member
Okay... but what about the 4 day hunt that is statewide funny that is a DNR thing but that's not mentioned in the statement, so if they are opened on a local level that is to say if any are opened this weekend does that mean there is no hunting there?, I don't expect an answer but it seems kind of valid. I have no plans to ride but it seems unsafe.

MichaelAdams- I have the rules/laws just as a refresher maybe somebody will find it useful.

You cannot operate a snowmobile upon any part of any freeway, which is a part of the federal system of interstate and defense highways or on
any part of any other freeway unless the DOT authorizes snowmobile use on that freeway.

Under most circumstances you cannot operate a snowmobile on anyhighway or road.

You can ride directly across any roadway having fewer than 5 lanes,but only after stopping and yielding the right-of-way to all vehicles
approaching on the roadway. Crossings under this exception maybe made only at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and
safe crossing. For purposes of this exception, “obstruction” includes,but is not limited to impairment of view and dangerous roadway

You can ride directly across a roadway having 5 lanes, in the manner specified above, but only if the DOT authorizes the crossing.

You can ride on any roadway, which is not normally maintained forother vehicle traffic by the removal of snow.
Unless it’s prohibited and posted by the road’s maintaining authority, you can ride on the roadway of highways to cross a bridge, culvert
or railroad right-of-way, but only after yielding the right-of-way to all vehicle traffic.

You can ride on the roadway of county or town highways and cityor village streets for authorized snowmobile events such as races
or derbies.

You may operate a snowmobile next to a roadway with due regard to
safety in the following manner:
Along U.S. numbered highways, state and county highways at
a distance of 10 or more feet from the roadway. Travel on the
median of a divided highway is prohibited except to cross.

Along town highways outside of the roadway. See the definition
of a town highway in the definitions.

During daylight hours, you may travel in either direction
regardless of the flow of vehicle traffic.

At night, you must travel in the same direction as vehicle traffic
in the nearest lane unless the snowmobile trail is located at
least 40 feet from the roadway or the trail is separated from
the roadway by a head lamp barrier and the snowmobile trail
is approved by the DOT.

Other than a freeway, whenever it’s impractical to gain immediate access to a snowmobile area next to the highway, you may operate
your snowmobile next to and parallel to the roadway for the purpose of gaining access to and from the area of operation. Loading or unloading
your snowmobile must be done with due regard to safety at the nearest practical point to the area of operation.

Snowmobiles traveling next to a roadway must observe roadwayspeed limits or speed limits as posted.
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New member
This is the reason I don't ride in WI anymore!! Plus all the rough cornfields!! I ride UP! They don't jack around. Snow season in WI is short enough as it is. I don't think it is right to have snow and not being able to use it! When you can use it it will probably be gone and then you will have to wait for the next one! SUCKS


New member
I am hunting now and it's 2 degrees. I have one doe down out about 80 yards away and I am sitting until nightfall to catch hopefully another. As much as I want to ride, it is still hunting season for me.

Maybe tomorrow I can combine the two (snowmo and hunting) to get to my treestand and we can all be friends.......


New member
Going along w/ thinking of things from another perspective- I'm just thankful we have snow at this point. So come 12/15- they'll be able to groom and trails should be great. I have to admit when we get a small snow and people go all nuts tearing it up, it's a little annoying. If they would hold out for one more week, the conditions would be so much better (and would last longer). I feel the itch as bad as anyone right now. I got a brand spanking new sled just waiting to be beaten on- but alas, I will wait until 12/30. 20 more days that can't come soon enough! Generally the conditions at this time aren't great and it's not a problem to have trails closed. It's kinda hard to swallow when we get these early storms though- I feel ya.


Come on guys, in most years, there isn't enough snow in WI to bother with riding in December. Even if you get 6 - 8 inches, they have to pan it, allow it to set and groom it. Trails get torn up quickly. Personally, I don't even bother putting my 10000 dollar sleds on the trails until January unless we have some big giant dumping like they get in Hurley or Mercer somtimes. Even then trails are rough and you're hitting bolders and gravel. I used to always say, the riding between Christmas and New Years is amateur hour in WI. Just a bunch of newbie wannabe's tearin it up. I've pounded trails with these goofs too many times and I've learned a few lessons. Let the hunters have their time, they have a right to the woods as well, even though I doubt the number of hunters justifies the miscellaneous hunts that take place this time of year. This is nothing to get all excited about yet. It's a great start but heh, if you want to ride, run it around your back yard for awhile and have the neighbors complain like mine.


New member
The extended hunt this year was pointless. Deer were nowhere to be found during the regular season. You'd have a better chance of bagging sasquatch than a deer this year.


Well-known member
Fusion sounds like those 2 new Yams are spoiling you. lol The Yahoos that run on left side of trail are always there & will always will be there......just part of riding in the Northwoods. Looking at all this snow & sitting is tearing at me. I could wind it up on lake but don't trust ice yet..... so I sit.


Hey's things looking up your way? Hopefully we have a good start at a base. Sounds like old Holly is excited, but when isn't she?

Yes I've become a purist in my old age, I want a solid base and good trail conditions before I start worrying about riding. I'll ride on my little lake before I hit the trails if conditions aren't right. I'm not just talking about the guys on the wrong side of the trail, I'm talking about the yahoo's that have to spin the track like some Blair Morgan wannabe at every trail crossing and banked turn. Or the doufus's that have to spin the track at the gas pump when you're in back of them waiting, like happened to me one year in Presque Isle when I almost lost it. Moguls and holes everywhere, people sitting on the side of the trail smoking and drinking, half on the trail, ect. Sometimes I look back at those days riding in the Mercer/Hurley area between Christmas and New Years and I wonder how I could have been so dumb. I remember riding 10 -20 miles of pure 2 -3 ft. moguls and the next day I felt like I went ten rounds with Floyd Mayweather. Ahh the great suspensions on those Formula 3's and MXZ's - (not).


New member
WDNR - Trails Opening Dates

This is what came from SnowTracks site. I also checked this last year and the DNR responded as such.

The decision to open snowmobile trails is made at the local level. In addition to snow conditions, factors such as open water, standing crops and landowner agreements all dictate the actual opening date, which is announced by county officials.

As I learned last year DNR does not regulate the opening of trails.....


This is what came from SnowTracks site. I also checked this last year and the DNR responded as such.

The decision to open snowmobile trails is made at the local level. In addition to snow conditions, factors such as open water, standing crops and landowner agreements all dictate the actual opening date, which is announced by county officials.

As I learned last year DNR does not regulate the opening of trails.....

Ahh yes, but, BUT, the DNR highly "recommends" that counties wait until the hunt is over. So most counties fall over and listen because there are some landowners that are hunters and don't want sleds passing through while they are hunting. So rather than lose trails they listen. We have one trail in Washington County that is closed until January because a landowner bow hunts. The only county that is not taking the advice of the DNR is DANE. Dare I say this but they have got it going on. Wow I can't believe I said that.


Active member
I know the reason that Waukesha and Jefferson are not opening are not because of the 4 day hunt but because not all trails are marked due to standing corn. And I just got an e-mail from my club that the DNR asked for help to brush the Kettle Moraine forest in Eagle area where after the snow many trees and branches blocking the trail and not passable right now. They want to start grooming it this weekend if it get all cleaned up. I imagine that all trail will need to be checked by trail masters to make sure there are no downed trees ect... I due recall last year that Jefferson opened early but could not open all trails since some landoweners were going to be hunting. I will say i rode my sled today on private land and hunted tonight. So I got to do both.


Well-known member
Sometimes I look back at those days riding in the Mercer/Hurley area between Christmas and New Years and I wonder how I could have been so dumb. I remember riding 10 -20 miles of pure 2 -3 ft. moguls and the next day I felt like I went ten rounds with Floyd Mayweather. Ahh the great suspensions on those Formula 3's and MXZ's - (not).

Fusion I remember the same madness in 98 my Formula III 700 ck3 was the pits too. 19 miles of 2-3 foot moguls on Trail 8 going into Bergland from Wakefield week of New Years thought we would die. But that was sleddin back then.

Today we have plenty of snow but lakes are thin trails ,FRs & ditches look good but we are waiting for the hunt to be over all trails are closed except Lando. You have to be iching to get that new Apex GT LTX on the snow.


New member
so i am correct,your trying to say i was can ride the side of a road to gain access to a trail.the trail from my house is 3 miles away.i ride the side of the road to get there,seen cops and never had any trouble.if someone would think it was ok to ride a mutilane hwy they should not be on a snowmobile anyway


Well-known member
michaeladams: In WI after passing 264 not sure what you can do or scope of what you can't do? Very possible you can get ticket for riding off marked trail. 264 changed things.


New member
All one has to do is review the Wisconsin DNR 's Masterplan for the Nortwoods to see that they want to put every business,small town off the map! No business ,no jobs,no families, no hope!!! It was pushed through by the tree huggers and wolf lovers and sadly its law.What good is state land if you cant use it! I live in Boulder Junction ,Wi.54512 and it is still probably 90% state owned. Then you get politicians like our jim holperin whos forgotten who elected him and that Northwoods economy is 99 % small business as they have outlawed most industries! Speacial interest groups like Trees for Tomorrow are not big fans of motor sports, deer ,porkupines,or chain saws! pretty easy to see were his interests are funneled too! Next time I will vote for change!!


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