Can you believe somebody bid on this Yamaha?


New member
I seen the ad On e-bay I thought to my self what kinda idiot will get sombody to buy a sled thats been torched ?? well some body felt sorry for him . Aperently he dident have full coverage inshurance on it Or sombody told him it was fouel play .. how the heck can you burn a phaser to the ground like that is beyond me !! unless where he parked it there were mice that chewed trew the fuel lines but still it wouldent run .. think about it for a bit here .. Yamaha takes every percaution out there to secure there equipment from screwing up like that .. eather sombody was trying to get out of a payment or wanted a bigger sled or ?? Then people wonder Why there Inshurance is so high Idiots like that !! Been better off tapping the trottle and aiming for big oak tree like many people out there have done in the past and present ..If my sled would burn Man i would be trowing snow like the dikens on it till it snuffed out .. Just My thoughts !!


New member
Just exactly what kind of costume does one wear to buy a Yamaha?

"a company that will not respect the costumers that made them who they are"


New member
That was a very clever way of airing his dissatisfaction and sharing his story about Yamaha without actually slandering the company.

A satisfied customer tells one other person, an unhappy customer tells ten other people!

I personally have been riding Yamaha for decades without any issues but I'd also be very angry if I bought a new sled and the manufacture found an excuse not to back their product if it had failed me.


Active member
who is liable?

first liability in any fire is the insurance company, wonder if it was insured? then if insurance thinks the manufacturer was at fault the will subregate against the manufacturer, wonder if we are getting full story? just my opinion


He is probably bidding on his own item using a second Ebay account just to get this publicity. If this is true, I suppose he would have to pay Ebay a commission on the sale.


after I had run my Phazer Mtn for a few seasons I was very familiar with the sled. I was hearing of different kinds of problem like front end parts becoming loose, reverse problems, starting hard in frigid temps. This is the first I have heard of this sled prone to fires. Something just doesn't add up. I didn't have the problems above even
The bids over 7600 now!!! He's crazy, who wouldn't insure a sled that new??? The poster above is correct, if he did have insurance the insurance company would've paid him then gone after Yamaha. I've never heard of a Phazer burning down.


Hey, it's in Mohawk, MI. Anyone want me to take a look at it for them I'd be happy.


John, I was thinking about placing a bid because that bulkhead looks all right, just wanna make sure it's not bent, could you run over there and check it out, I'll probably need an answer in the next hrs though :eek:


New member
Sounds like to me someone didn't pay there insurance payment and wants someone else to pay for his mistakes, There is always 2 sides to a story. If it was insured he should be going after his Insurance company not Yamaha.

Not going to change my mind on Yamaha sleds.
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Staff member
Just got back Lenny, looks pretty good, maybe a little tweeked from the heat, but I think a little duct tape and zip ties and you are good to go buddy. :D
