New member
I seen the ad On e-bay I thought to my self what kinda idiot will get sombody to buy a sled thats been torched ?? well some body felt sorry for him . Aperently he dident have full coverage inshurance on it Or sombody told him it was fouel play .. how the heck can you burn a phaser to the ground like that is beyond me !! unless where he parked it there were mice that chewed trew the fuel lines but still it wouldent run .. think about it for a bit here .. Yamaha takes every percaution out there to secure there equipment from screwing up like that .. eather sombody was trying to get out of a payment or wanted a bigger sled or ?? Then people wonder Why there Inshurance is so high Idiots like that !! Been better off tapping the trottle and aiming for big oak tree like many people out there have done in the past and present ..If my sled would burn Man i would be trowing snow like the dikens on it till it snuffed out .. Just My thoughts !!