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Ground Hog Day.jpg

Yup, that right folks, No Ground Hog Day this year. No need for it!
That week in January was just a tease for us winter lovers.

Around these parts they're starting to cancel the Fishing Derby's, the Battle on Bago is a no-go. Lake Winnebago is also home to the Annual Sturgeon Spearing season. Kind of a big thing around these parts. I drive by the lake every day and there's no way I'd venture out there (without a boat) let alone towing a shack out. My Magic 8 Ball says it's gonna snow....most likely in March, April, and May when there's no use for the stuff. I bet you've seen this movie before. Yeah, I didn't like it either.
So, drastic times call for drastic measures. The wife and I booked a vacation to Florida! I can almost
guarantee the moment I set foot on the plane, it'll start snowing! I'll be on the beach, you'll be on the trails and you can thank me later....

We don't need no stinking Ground Hogs!


Well-known member
You may want to rethink that Fla trip, you may end up stuck in an airport with all flights cancelled. o_O:eek:


Well-known member
Good choice Gary....hope you booked for month to forget this depressing winter!!
Any good deals ....I may follow ya!!! Lol


Active member
Wife and I are headed to Cape Coral a week from this Friday!! Loading up the Slingshot and the Busa and going riding for a week!!