Can't load pics anymore....


Staff member
John when you go to post an image do all your previous pictures show up before you upload from your computer?

No, but for that to work it does look like you have to have the "Enhanced Attachment Uploading on" radio button on. It also says that the results will vary depending on the browser you are using.


Deleted member 10829


On a separate issue, I've noticed post counts are not increasing.


Active member
I decided to check my settings to see if I could get my old photos back. While I was there I noticed the miscellaneous section under "My Settings" on the left side of the screen and in there is a place to click on "Attachments" I went there an I have 240 attachments still stored here so I tried to insert one here and no matter what I do I can't get them to show up in the window that opens. Guess I'll keep trying but if anyone has a suggestion let me know.


Well-known member
I checked under my settings also and my 27 attachments do show up there.
Manage attachments doesn't work for me either. Guessing has do with browser/ forum software, something changing.
Course what is everyone using to post with? Computer/ phone/tablet?
I tried it with my kindle. Have try with the desktop tomorrow, I rarely use that anymore.

With that said, I started using years ago and it's way easier managing photos that way. Especially if you post to more than one forum.
Copy the img link. Then paste link. And.......

And voila


Active member
Mark, try this.

At the very top-right of the board page, click on the "Settings" link. Then from the page it takes you to, click on the "Forum Actions" drop down and choose "General Settings". Scroll down to where you see the "Miscellaneous Options" section and then click the radio button at "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing" and "Enhanced Attachment Uploading on".

Not sure this will solve things, but it might!

this one worked


New member
No luck posting pics. Last I knew I had 400+ in my bin. Suspect they all went to the "cloud". I can not get it to work period. Also was a locked out for the past week? Nothing but blank screen until today????


Well-known member
Just an fyi.
Old post but I noticed other day if you click on the "manage attachments" box, previously posted pictures are now back.