cat motor mounts 440sp or xfire7


Well-known member
any one know I thought the 440 snopro had the harder motor mount that was less likely to tear than the f7 saber mounts but did cat upgrade to the harder mount for the crossfire?I don't think so for 1 because mine is tore and a buds is also but just checking diff. part numbers.talked to a few buds they thought xfire was updated but not sure.thinking of just going with the 440sp


Well-known member
I have also seen some blue solid hard plastic inside the alloy housing surrounding the alloy diamond I thought they were 04sp but dealer has no clue and the drag racers I know have moved on to the turbo stuff yrs ago and cant remember 4 sure.but the blue would hold up to 300+ hp no prob with out coming apart


Well-known member
I would be a bit concerned with the blue solid mounts on high mileage sleds. There were a few guys that started to see cracks on the bulkhead at the motor mount connection. The top one on the pto side seemed to be the most problematic.


Well-known member
went with the 440 SP mounts they look like they will hold up better than the stock junk and still flex a bit did them 2 sleds this weekend both had at least 1 of the riveted nuts spinning in the bulk head always makes a job fun


Well-known member
well I sold my x fire this yr but the other xf7 we did the 440 sp mount on did not last tore out all around the alloy center less than 300 boon MI. he is going back to the stock bottem line dont do the 440sp mount in your xfire7