They do oil analysis monthly and change base on that.
This is EXACTLY how you should determine oil changes.
They do oil analysis monthly and change base on that.
I have just run the amsoil flush on used cars before switching over to syn
I have just run the amsoil flush on used cars before switching over to syn
This is akin to buying your wife the biggest diamond ring in the store to make sure she doesn't sleep with your neighbor while you are gone on extended snowmobile might be beneficial, but then again, maybe you are just dilutional and that smile on her face when you get back isn't because she was glad you had a good time up north! Did you waste your money?? Maybe, maybe not! Do your kids have any resemblances to the neighbor guy??
Dilutional?… maybe you are just dilutional …
I have been a Amsoil dealer for many years. I will not give a sales pitch here another time. I agree everyone in northern or southern states use synn.oils just for they're range of protection in those climates. My main concern here is you fellow sledders who are changing over to a Synn. oil and then putting a really "cheap low quality FILTER on you vehical". If you take the time to research your future oils, research the filter community too. Almost any filter you can buy at the bottom line auto parts stores or Walmart I would not even trust to run most of them 3000 miles. If you care enough to put a high end oil in that vehical, match it with a high end filter, oil won't do you any good if the cheap filter can't keep that oil clean. Is Synn. oil much thinner...yes so you need a filter that filters down to smaller "Microns " to keep it clean. I use Hastings or Wix filters myself if not the Amsoil filters. There are other "commercial quality" filters to. Just makes sense use a good filter with good oil. Other wise it is like putting retreads on a Cadillac a funny thought isn't it.......Rblscoot