Chat Session QA


New member
Have you ever considered holding a monthly or weekly chat session on a scheduled evening so all your fans and forum/website users can interact in a "live" atmosphere with you?


Staff member
Heck, I would love to just have the free time to even consider doing something like that!

The reality of things right now is that I already work a 12-14 hour day, plus I try and help Nora out with Grace as much as I can and then try and fit in a little sleep. So right now any new projects are not feasible.

Even if I did have the time, I can't really see how it would work, unless there was a way to limit things to just one person at a time, but with the amount of persons coming to the site, it would be more like a few hundred persons all asking a question at the same time and not sure how that could be handled.

Nice idea, but have no idea how I could make it work if I had the time.
