New member
Is this for real? People holding parties to infect there kids with chicken pox to build their immunity systems. What next? Heard it on the radio.
guess it is better than bringing the kids to a herpes party
Exposing healthy children to infected children with the disease was done frequently when I was a child. There are 2 good reasons to do this. Childnood chickenpox prevents the adult version which is much more severe. The chickenpox infection also is protective against Herpez Zoster (shingles) which can be quite serious.
By the way the child is highly infective until the pox are all crusted over.
Infact the one case that I remember I was used during my infection involved the doctors kid across the street. I was asked to come over and play and it worked. the kid came down with chickenpox. This is a chea, effective and natural way to immunize. No needles, no allergic reactions- not bad.