We see lots of problems with the knock off engines from China. Even with the engines in the Toro's we sell that Toro "engineered". Lots of fuel system problems probably from the alcohol in our gas, bad castings, softest hardware, same with the aluminum. At least Toro backs them up and you can get parts. The knock of stuff is bad, warranty? they make it such a pain for a dealer we gave up on the stuff, plus I felt like a flag burner selling the crap. Wait till you try and get parts for the stuff, need a bowl gasket for the carb? buy a new carb, pinion gear for the starter, new starter. We needed an exhaust valve for a generator we sold, they wanted us to replace the short block! The valve was not available as a separate part!
If an American company sets up manufacturing in China its decent, if it's a pure Chinese designed, engineered and manufactured product, no thanks. I hope it stays that way too, people need to get a bad taste for something a bunch of times before they will spend a little more for made in the good ole USA products.