Chinese Knock offs


New member
It's getting harder every day to find the manufactures name on a snow blower, lawn mowers, etc. What's your truthfull opinion on these Asian engines? Will they hold up like a Honda?

Team Elkhorn

Our guys are hard on stuff. Last year we bought some Chinese made water pumps. They looked just like our Honda pumps (different color) and it was hard to ignore the price difference. The motors didn't last a season, (the Hondas last four or more with misuse). Money wise I wouldn't recommend the knockoffs.


New member
We see lots of problems with the knock off engines from China. Even with the engines in the Toro's we sell that Toro "engineered". Lots of fuel system problems probably from the alcohol in our gas, bad castings, softest hardware, same with the aluminum. At least Toro backs them up and you can get parts. The knock of stuff is bad, warranty? they make it such a pain for a dealer we gave up on the stuff, plus I felt like a flag burner selling the crap. Wait till you try and get parts for the stuff, need a bowl gasket for the carb? buy a new carb, pinion gear for the starter, new starter. We needed an exhaust valve for a generator we sold, they wanted us to replace the short block! The valve was not available as a separate part!
If an American company sets up manufacturing in China its decent, if it's a pure Chinese designed, engineered and manufactured product, no thanks. I hope it stays that way too, people need to get a bad taste for something a bunch of times before they will spend a little more for made in the good ole USA products.
At one time, is was required to have 'Made in China' stamped or labeled on the product, now the requirements state that the country of origin need only be on the shipping carton. New trick being played, 'Made in China' is being replaced by 'PRC' for 'People's Republic of China'.

We keep buying foreign products and supporting a communist country like China, where will our job creation in the good ole U.S. come from? Who is going to buy up all the vacant home inventory in our country if there are no jobs?

Buy American whenever possible. Better yet, buy local.



Well-known member
like every thing some good some bad.
as far as the Honda clone 50cc to 140cc motorcycle/atv/pit bike motors there are 7 diff manufacturers I know of making the same motor but only 1 is as good as the original and 1 is OK both motors parts are interchangeable with the stock Honda parts.most of the china atv/pit bike toys use the junk motors and the price reflects it.
I got a free paint can opener made in china last week that could not open a can of paint sad but true


New member
A friend of mine bought a 3500 watt generator from Harber Fright. After a few uses at home, he reached down to turn the gas on the fuel tank and the petcock started leaking . This is after he'd fueled it up. Make a long story short, he returned to HF to purchase a new valve. It took him 11 weeks to recieve a new one, $ 2.45. I think he will unloading that generator for a Honda.


New member
I have a kawaski in my bunton zero turn and it has given me little if any trouble in 11 years. The big names are easier to find parts and also to get someone to work on them in the event of trouble. Entry level generators can have a honda motor but the rest the magneto ect ect is junk.