Climategate vs.Copenhagen

Will "Climategate" have any effect on the Copenhagen conference?

  • No, they'll ignore it, pressing ahead with the absurdly futile and obscenely expensive "War on CO2".

    Votes: 62 96.9%
  • Yes, and it will turn the entire conference on its head.

    Votes: 2 3.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I agree with sledhd1, as soon as you say that you don't believe in global warming it is assumed that you would just as soon destroy the environment.
I think it would be safe to say that the vast majority of people on this site, or any where for that matter wants clear water, green trees, and all the beauty that is nature as we know it. We just want a common sense and realistic way of preserving it.
I'm no scientist but no way in a month of Sundays can I believe (as the scientists say) that we the USA are the biggest poluters, , really!!
If the USA is the biggest poluter, then why is it that when the summer olympics were in China they had to shut down various "plants" so the smog would deteriorate enough for the atheletes to breathe "safely" enough without face masks.
Ever see pictures of parts of India, China, or other countries in those neighborhoods with all their scooters and behind the times cars belching smoke and smog?
My intent here is not to rip on other countries but IF the governments want to fight the supposed global warming, , it's got to be a global wide thing, not just us the US bearing the brunt of things.


nash, maybe we are observing a trend towards warming to SOME degree but here is the big question. Is man responsible? I understand that is what you are asking.

When we answer this question, lets base it on something. The last ice age, (13,000 years ago) did man play a roll in the ice age to warming tread? We KNOW that it is a big fat NO, because there were no industry or technology that contribute to this. That is a fact! SO we can say with 100% accuracy that man has NEVER EVER had an impact on the climate prior to this "POSSIBLE" warming trend.

So, if we know there were ages where temps fluctuate enough to cover large land masses with ice and man had no connection to it, why would we persistently claim that this time MAN IS RESPONSIBLE.

The person who intently insists we are the problem in a menace to society and a fear monger and I don't give a flying rip who is offended with my statement.

If someone was honestly concerned (like gore) about the environment, they would practice in their personal life behaviors that would impact the environment in a positive way. Al Gore lives like a king with huge co2 emission's, more so than the average citizen so how in the f does he get off saying a single word to anyone. He is the biggest pile of crap on the face of this entire planet. His actions indicate a ulterior motive and money, politics are not out of the question. In fact, it is reasonable to strongly consider he is out of touch by his behavior compared to his world view.

Al Gore and the like are capitalizing on a huge public dis-favor of GW. There trying to keep the momentum rolling to secure dominate position in the Washington. Liberal agenda's are literally life threatening and the root of global confusion, which we are experiencing these days. have you ever seen a more divided United States of America. Are we gonna some day all of a sudden say, "hey, lets work this out" I think somebody just tried that, yea! it was BO, by the way, how's that working for you BO?

Not long ago nobody even knew of BO and there reasoning? Anybody has to be better than GW, how's that working out for BO supporters.

My post will be yanked so fast I'll feel the breeze from the yanking
Shwooooooooosh, by by!
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New member
I read this article a while back it some what opened my eyes to this climate change talk.

*Dave Dahl, chief meteorologist at KSTP in the Twin Cities, told Hudson Rotarians that man is not the culprit when it comes to global warming, or climate change, issues.

Dahl spoke to the Hudson Thursday Noon Rotary Club on July 9 and said what was called “global warming” is now tabbed “climate change” because temperatures on the planet have decreased in the past couple years.

“Over 30,000 scientists are now saying that humans are not causing changes in global conditions,” Dahl said. “The climate has ‘changed’ since the planet began.”

He said that the heating of the earth — which is mostly a good thing — is caused primarily by water vapor — about 98 percent. He said carbon and other elements account for about 2 percent of the mix. Of that 2 percent, human involvement represents only about 2 percent of that (.0004 percent).

“It is my feeling, and the opinion of more and more scientists, that the sun is the driving force behind climate changes — heating and cooling,” Dahl said. “Solar activity, incl uding flares and sunspots, is usually quite active during warm stretches. The activity has been very quiet the past couple of years and the temperatures have dropped.”

He said last year’s solar activity was the quietest in 100 years. So far in 2009, the activity is even less.
“In the northern hemisphere, the 2007-08 winter was the coldest in 50 years and 2008-09 was the coldest in a century,” Dahl said.

Another flaw in the entire system is the recording of temperatures around the world, he said.

“The United States has the most reputable system, but the recording system in nearly nine out of 10 locations does not meet National Weather Service standards. Many of the sites are located on tar roofs, next to air conditioner exhaust fans, etc. The records are questionable.”

He said we should be using only satellite information, which shows that temperatures have been cooling for several years.

“Even believers of man-made ‘global warming’ have begun to realize that we do not face global warming — that’s why the terminology has been changed to ‘climate change,’” Dahl said.

Another key factor in the study of earth temperature is the sequence of events.

“People who believe in man-made global warming claim that an increase in carbon dioxide leads to global warming,” Dahl said. “Concrete scientific evidenc e shows throughout history that temperatures increase first, then carbon levels increase (carbon comes from many sources in addition to man-made pollution). That’s contrary to the claims made in the Al Gore movie (‘Inconvenient Truth’).”

Dahl claims that the Gore movie contains at least 50 factual errors — he called them absolutely false. Dahl said that carbon spewed from one of the many volcanoes around the world adds much, much more carbon to the atmosphere than all the cars combined.

“I’m all for limiting pollution, but carbon is not necessarily a pollutant – plants would prefer more carbon,” Dahl said.

He noted that there has been much publicity about the shrinking of the polar ice cap.

“Evidence shows that the cap was much smaller in the 1930s when we went through a warm period,” Dahl said. “Siberian ice has grown 20 percent in the past two years.”

Dahl noted that throughout history there is evidence of warm and cold periods.

“It’s a recurring pattern and the sun in the key ingredient,” Dahl said. “The fact is, we could very well be headed for a cool period. Some scientists believe we are headed into a 20-30-year cooling trend based on historical patterns.”

He said it is unfortunate that the science of climate has been mixed in with political policy and political agendas.

“Many scientists are afraid to speak out because much of the funding comes from the government and they are afraid they will lose funding,” Dahl said.

“The political landscape endorses only one view — that humans are causing global warming. The policy-makers and media drive what people hear. People like to think that we can control our destiny — this is one thing we can’t control. People don’t like to hear that.”
Dahl hopes that what he considers to be the truth will become evident in the next five to 10 years.


good write there bud
Maybe than we can have a ceremony to remove the NPP from gore


New member
Great to see that Dave Dahl is on the side of logic and reason.

Dave Dahl is a voice of reason, and a great guy. He married a friend from high school and I have met him a few times. I even dove for a ball in softball and gave him a triple!!