I agree with sledhd1, as soon as you say that you don't believe in global warming it is assumed that you would just as soon destroy the environment.
I think it would be safe to say that the vast majority of people on this site, or any where for that matter wants clear water, green trees, and all the beauty that is nature as we know it. We just want a common sense and realistic way of preserving it.
I'm no scientist but no way in a month of Sundays can I believe (as the scientists say) that we the USA are the biggest poluters, , really!!
If the USA is the biggest poluter, then why is it that when the summer olympics were in China they had to shut down various "plants" so the smog would deteriorate enough for the atheletes to breathe "safely" enough without face masks.
Ever see pictures of parts of India, China, or other countries in those neighborhoods with all their scooters and behind the times cars belching smoke and smog?
My intent here is not to rip on other countries but IF the governments want to fight the supposed global warming, , it's got to be a global wide thing, not just us the US bearing the brunt of things.
I think it would be safe to say that the vast majority of people on this site, or any where for that matter wants clear water, green trees, and all the beauty that is nature as we know it. We just want a common sense and realistic way of preserving it.
I'm no scientist but no way in a month of Sundays can I believe (as the scientists say) that we the USA are the biggest poluters, , really!!
If the USA is the biggest poluter, then why is it that when the summer olympics were in China they had to shut down various "plants" so the smog would deteriorate enough for the atheletes to breathe "safely" enough without face masks.
Ever see pictures of parts of India, China, or other countries in those neighborhoods with all their scooters and behind the times cars belching smoke and smog?
My intent here is not to rip on other countries but IF the governments want to fight the supposed global warming, , it's got to be a global wide thing, not just us the US bearing the brunt of things.