Companies that do not support snowmobiling


New member
Seems like a good argument to buy Klim, Arctiva, RU Outside, etc. Vote with your hard-earned dollars!

The list below are sponsors of Blue Ribbon Coalition, which is precisely the opposite of Winter Wildlands (BRC motto = "Preserving our natural resources for the public instead of from the public") I don't know if any "name-brands" are on here, but it's a good place to start:

But KLIM uses Gore-Tex and they also huge supporters of the "Greenie" groups. How much of your hunting gear has Gore-Tex in it?

Or how many here are member's of Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants forever.....etc. Do you really know what your money is going towards? Funny how all this works.

It's not as easy as one would think. How many are looking at John Dee with a Microsoft windows computer or found the site using Google?


Well-known member
Of course it's not easy, but the way the world is, you gotta do what you can.

Thanks for that link. I can't get around using windows very easily, but that gives me a good reason to use firefox!