Congrats John


John, Congrats on the clean bill of health, You've been through alot and deserve your time. My grandmother used to say health is wealth and she was 100% right. Enjoy the rest of the summer and think snow!


New member
Excellent news John congratulations! You can see the difference in your face on the last pic of the journal. Looking very happy and healthy, great to see.


Well-known member
Very good news regarding your 100% recovery!!

It's sooo easy to take one's health for granted. I'm sure that will never be the case for you.

P.S. Heard advertisements for the Keweenaw 150 year festivities on my way to Marquette on Friday. Pretty cool.

Now that the parade is over, let's put those plows to work!


Just getting that good news has to help big time in the road to recovery! If there were ever any doubts those hopefully have been erased and soon enough we will be seeing pics and stories from boondocking adventures and trips out west! Congrats again!


New member
Great to hear ur on mend.Yaa would be hard pressed to find a better medical facility to have had ur tune up at.I will be there next week having a physical which they have me scheduled four days.Now that ur back on track.Maybe Mad Max and I will give yaa shout in September and will do a ATV ride for day.