Copper peak hill climb


New member
i pick up some videos of the copper peak hill climb at haydays and was wondering when this hill climb was and if there was like a website or something i caould look at because im very intrested in driving up and watching it! any help is apreciated
thanks kyle


New member
Not sure if you bought the video from me in the swap meet, or from one of the vendors carrying it. But either way, thanks!

Unfortunately it sounds like the Copper Peak Ski Flying Assoc. says there will be no more hillclimb there. They are trying to get ski jumping going there again, and I also heard second hand they just don't want the image of the hillclimb associated with their hill.

They've taken all of the hillclimb info off the Copper Peak website. We have some photos and more video clips on the Excon Freeride website.

It's really too bad if they don't allow the hillclimb there anymore. Skip Schulz has put a lot of hard work into the event for many years with little or no personal compensation from it. Plus it's just a really neat event and very unique for the midwest. And what is Wyler Miller going to do if there's no more hillclimb, get fat like me? ha ha j/k buddy.

Maybe if everyone bombards the folks at copper peak they may reconsider?
here's a link to the copper peak website


New member
yeah! im pretty shure i bought them from you on sunday as you were packing up i think? but yeah thats to bad they dont want to do it there anymore i think it helps their image more than it hurts! heck i was think anout driving like 8 hours one way to watch it! heck the snowmobiles going up it cant wreck the hill that bad that the jumpers cant still jump right???? haha jk about that it looks pretty nast afterwards! but mabey if every one does bombard them they will relaize that they are makeing a mistake. i guess that just my opion also


New member
The issue is simply that Copper Peak Ski Flying is working on putting up side fencing for a future Ski Flying Event. The Copper Peak Ski Flying Board President never told me that they would cancel the event for good...simply until the 'side boards are put in.'

I have not been to the hill in the past month, so I don't know if they started putting up the side boards or not.

If they don't do it yet this fall, we'll have the event. If they did, it will only be postponed for a year.

Thanks driftjumper for the kind words.

Skip Schulz
MASTERS Circuit President


A few years ago they started the same project didn't they. That was after they made some Money because the Hill Climb bacame so popular. Then the Hill Climb seemed to loose its momentum after they stopped it for a year. They must have a little Money again from the Hill Climb and are Dreaming about something that will fail again.

My opinion is the Ski jumping fell flat on its Face when they did it 30 years ago and it will fail again.

Now when they finally had a good event that was drawing a little attention to the UP they are trying to kill it.

Sounds like this Association is run by some educated Government People.


New member
Thanks longtrack.

Those that have been to the hillclimb can attest to the FACT as to how popular of a single day event this is. I don't know of too many single day snowmobile events that draws the crowd this does.

Those that have been to the hillclimb can also attest to the fact that while this event drew thousands to that area, I had a difficult time getting the business community to sponsor and support it.

However other events gets a lot of support, and few (if any) can match the crowd this event draws.

So it is not just Copper Peak Ski Flying that I question as to keeping the event going, but also the business community.

However, I am not going to give up. if it means that I have to wait to see what they do regarding the side-boards, a ski flying event, and the hillclimb, I'll do just that. Wait and hope.

The big thing I don't need is to have the rumor 'flying' that the hillclimb is cancelled. It's not, at least not yet.

In the meantime, I hope someone reading this may know of another hill that would be open to having a REAL SNOWMOBILE hillclimb.



Skip, great times, great climbs.. Lots of people, & lots of fun.. I've never missed one!! I hope to attend again.. What a shame you can't get the business's to help.. I'll make sure to patronize ANY that the event keep going.
