copywrite on your forecast graphic - still ok to copy?



I see you now have a copywrite symbol on your forecast Grapic. I sometimes copy your forecast graphic and include when I post about upcoming potential snow on a couple snowmobile discussion boards I participate in. I also copy your text and grapic when a larger storm is forecasted and email this to about 6 people here at work who appreciate the heads up.

With your copywrite now in place, can I still do this?



Staff member
Hi David.

I am glad you noticed and I am glad you brought this up.

The reason for the addition of the copywrite was because I have seen more and more facebook accounts with the forecasts on them and some others have e mailed me to ask if it's OK for them to re-transmit my forecasts. I am by no means trying to shut this down- even if I could! I just wanted to add it to remind folks that all of the forecasts on my site are my personal intellectual property and thus hope that they are treated as such and, more importantly, if they are going to be blasted all over the internet in other sources like facebook, that at least where they came from is on them. I chose to put the copywrite as "" and not "John Dee" specifically to allow those seeing the graphics and unfamiliar with the site to find the site.

So, I guess the bottom line is two fold:
1) I don't have a problem with persons re-transmitting or re-posting my forecasts to their friends, as long as it is not done in a manner in which that someone does not profit from. Pretty safe bet, I know, but I just wanted to make that part clear.
2) If someone does re-transmit or re-post a forecast of mine, all I ask is that they include where they got it from, meaning you say "courtesy of" or "this is from", or something to that nature. It is also important to me if you put and not just John Dee, that way everyone can come out a winner. Folks can share my info with their friends and in return, I may gain some new viewers!

