Cougar or Bobcat?


New member
I was riding a few weeks ago and seen some big cat tracks by a torn up deer carcass by l'anse I would say they're 5 to 6 inches acrossed


New member
Here's the picture from Dowagiac, MI. It makes you wonder how long they have been around and are just now being noticed because of the increase use of trail cameras.

Did a little google search, found the real story on that image hardwater. It's not a fake photo, but it's not in Michigan either.

Back to this story, the more I look at the pic, the more I'm leaning towards bobcat.



New member
So have we ruled out a german shepard? Neighbors siamese mix cat? Cougar? Bobcat? Dogman?, Catdog? Fake pic? Or are we still at square one?